Scourge (Female) X Male Reader

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Warning: lemons

Scourge and (Y/N) had been friends for some time now. (Y/N) have been planning to ask Scourge to be his girlfriend but he felt it was just too hard, it made him nervous.

Today, he invited Scourge to his house so he could cook lunch for them.

"Oh, hey Scourge!" (Y/N) smiled as he opened the door. "Lunch is almost ready. Come on in."

"Oh good, I'm starving." She said as she made her way in.

(Y/N) went to the kitchen to continue what he was doing. As Scourge watched him cook, she couldn't help but stare fondly at him. He looked so attractive when he was cooking and she was staring with dreamy eyes while he wasn't looking.

"Uhh, so sexy~." She said under her breath.

"Did you say something?" (Y/N) asked, thinking he heard her say something.

"Hurry up already." She changed her mouth and her mood completely, you wouldn't suspect she said otherwise.

"Patience, okay?" (Y/N) smiled charmingly. "Yeesh, what a starving hedgehog you are."

"Mhmm." She rolled her eyeballs smiling.

When they were done eating and (Y/N) took the plates away, he came back to sit beside her.

"Uh...hey Scourge?"


"I have...something to ask you. Please don't kill me for this. As the queen I know you have every right to do that."

"Oh, it's okay. We're friends, aren't we? Go on." She persuaded and he took in a deep breath before exhaling.

"Will you...WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" he asked out loud. That normally happens when he's really nervous.

"O...oh that? Pfft! Yeah, yeah, sure, whatevs." Scourge replied nonchalantly.

(Y/N) stared at her speechless for a few moments.

"'re okay with it?"

"Well, what else? Were you expecting me to blast you with Chaos energy?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I expected worse."

"You don't have to worry about that, besides, I've been meaning to ask you the same thing for a while now."

"Wait, you are?"

"Yeah, I like ya, (Y/N). I just thought you were the type who didn't want to be hooked up in a relationship."

"Oh I am ever ready for one."

"Alright then..." Scourge said and leaned in closer then kissed him out of the blue in the lips. (Y/N) was surprised but kissed her back.

From that day on, they started dating and made it official. (Y/N) would make sure to shower Scourge with all his love even though the so-called 'queen' wasn't the affectionate type. She was rather the type that likes... attraction.

There was this one time Scourge was at (Y/N)'s place. She just walked in and he checked to see who it was.

"Oh hey Scourge!" He smiled as he was towards her, but then tripped on something and was about to fall. He accidentally took hold of Scourge's boobs which left her shocked.

(Y/N) felt something soft in his grasp and looked up to see his hands on Scourge's boobs. She was completely pink.

He immediately backed off.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, Scourgy. I didn't really mean it!" He said panicking like crazy.

"No, it's okay."

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