Tails (Female) X Male Reader

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(Just...imagine her with clothes on. I couldn't find any nice looking picture of her wearing clothes. Dunno why.)

(Here, Tails will be the same age as Sonic and the gang. Let's just say...a few years passed in this particular chapter.)

(Y/N), Sonic's brother, was on his way to the Mystic Ruins to see his friend Tails, not knowing she was yet to arrive. He felt a shade swoop past him and he looked up to see her Tornado heading towards her workshop. He smiled and quickened his pace as he continued on his visit.

When he got there, he met her doing her... y'know, stuff.

"Hey Tails!" He announced his presence which gave Tails a little fright as she turned.

"Oh! Um, hey, (Y/N)." She waved nervously.

"I brought some snacks and comic books. I couldn't stand coming to visit a friend empty-handed." He said smiling.

"Oh, thanks. You can just keep them right over there." She pointed at a corner and he went to keep the stuff.

"Sorry, wanna hang out sometime?" He asked which gave her a faint red on her cheeks as she thought of him asking her out.

Tails had been having a secret crush on (Y/N) since they got to know each other. He hardly asked her to hang out with him so this was kinda rare. Normally they would just talk and do some other cool stuff in her place but this was different.

Tails fell silent for a while as she just stood like a statue.

"Uh, Tails?" (Y/N) called out, feeling a little awkward.

"Uh, sure, yeah!" She smiled nervously as she backed him trying to hide her flustered expression but he could see the taint of red on the tip of her ears and felt something was wrong. He walked up to her.

"Tails, are you okay?"

As soon as he got to her side, she immediately flinched as she faced him.

"Uh, yeah! Perfectly fine!" She smiled nervously.

"You look red."


"I hope you're not running temperature." He touched her forehead to see if she was having a fever. He never had the idea of these kind of expressions so that was the first thing he thought.

Tails felt somehow warm how he cared about her. Of course they were friends and friends look out for each other but...she felt it was something more than that. Ugh, her fantasies were getting the best of her now.

"I'm fine, really." She smiled as the blush faded.

"Hm, weird." He said looking confused. "So, wanna hang out?"

She slightly chuckled excited.

"I would love to." She said giving him a loving smile. He didn't put any meaning to it though.


So, they went out. They were just walking down the road when Tails' eyes spotted something. (Y/N) noticed this and asked.

"Hey, what is it?"

"Oh, um... It's nothing." She said with a sweatdrop on her temple. (Y/N) looked up to see what had caught her attention and saw Twinkle Park. In the bottom of the writing, it said, "cute couples can go in for free".

"Huh! That's seems interesting. How about we try it out for free?" (Y/N) suggested and Tails flinched.

"F-for free? But... we're not a couple." Tails told him, feeling a little sting in the inside after saying that.

"Does it really matter?" He asked her with a smile as she just stood dazed staring at him for a few seconds. "Uh, Tails...are you okay?"

Tails realized she was staring and looked away.

"Oh! Um, I'm fine." She said.

"Come on, let's go in." He gestured as they made their way in.

"Um...Okay?" Tails said, feeling nervous.

As they went in, almost everyone sho saw them were remarking at how lovely they were as a couple which would make Tails flinch and quickly say

"We're not a couple!"

with red cheeks. (Y/N) only laughed at how nervous she was getting. It was actually kind of cute to see his buddy like that.

So, they tried out rides and did many other cool stuff.

Two hours and they made their way out.

"Well, that sure was fun." (Y/N) said.

"Y-yeah, I guess." Tails said trying to hide her red face. She couldn't just get those remarks out of her head.

After that, they went to go get ice cream.

(Y/N) and Tails were sitting at a bench in a park, having their favorite ice cream treats. (Y/N) looked over at Tails and saw some ice cream particles around her mouth.

"Uh, Tails?" He called.

"Yeah?" She turned to look at him.

"You got a little uh... something." He pointed at his muzzle so she would know what he was talking about. "Here, let me get it for you." He used his finger to take off the particles from her muzzle and stuck it in his mouth, making Tails go crazy red. "Mmm! Your flavor is quite tasty! Huh?" He looked over at her oblivious of her present state and met with a red faced kitsune. "Uh...your face is red again. Is this normal?" He asked.

Tails didn't just know what to say. What did (Y/N) just do???!!! Her head was already spinning and she thought of what just unfolded. (Y/N) only sighed sadly and looked forward.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it would--"

"What? No! I-i-its okay, (Y/N). It's no big deal." She tried to smile even though she still had the blush on.

"Uh... okay?" (Y/N) was not getting any of this at all. Well, you can't blame him, he's not familiar with all these kind of things.

And so, they spent the rest of the day, hanging out, doing completely normal stuff, different from the two previous events that unfolded and now it was getting late.

(Y/N) escorted Tails back to her workshop/house.

(Y/N) sighed in satisfaction. "I never knew hanging out with you would be so much fun." He chuckled and she had a faint blush. "Well, I'll see ya around some other time, buddy." He was about to leave when Tails halted him.

"Wait!" She said and he turned to hear what she wanted to say. She was a bit hesitant but gathered up some courage and walked up to him. "Today, was fun. I never knew I'd get to hang out with you. It was actually, really nice. Thank you." She smiled and he smiled back but just then, she did the unexpected (or rather expected, depending on where you think this goes).

Tails leaned closer and kissed (Y/N) on the cheek before quickly scurrying back into her workshop.

"Bye!" She waved not looking, with her ear tips tainted red.

(Y/N) stood there a bit dazed. He suddenly felt...kind of good, and warm. He smiled warmly and he touched his cheek.

Well, at least, even if Tails wasn't able to confess her feelings towards him, she still did something, maybe a hint.

Tails slowly turned her head to see (Y/N) still there. He only smiled and gave her a dashing wink, like how his sister would, but his was more dashing.

With that, he ran off. Tails only smiled as she looked at the direction he ran off to.

This felt....good.

Sonic Friends Genderbent X Male Reader OnsehotsWhere stories live. Discover now