Claiming tickets...

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I wake up at the sound of my alarm snoozing. I turn it off and look at the calendar on my nightstand. Day off! So today I don't need to worry about anything except Bryce!...

I get off my bed with a smile on my face which it's so rare that's sometimes I just wake up sad. I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich since I'm a bit hungry... I open the fridge but when I do that, I notice that's something on the fridge case... A note. It has a number on it, and it's signed "Kisses. Bryce ;)." Well now I have his number... And he really kissed the letter with lipstick... Where did he find the lipstick though...

I open the fridge again and take out some cheese and ham for the sandwich. I put the sandwich on the griller because I like the cheese melted...

While I watched the sandwich on the griller, I remembered that Bryce and I are going to the airport today for the tickets... A smile comes to my face when I remember that in a couple of days, I'm finally visiting Portugal! I'm so excited... And scared because I've never been in a plane before and I'm afraid of heights... So, it will be terrifying... A bit...

I take off the sandwich of the griller but when I'm going to the couch, I hear the phone ringing on the kitchen... I pick up the phone eating my sandwich...

"Bryce? It's that you..."

"Yes, it is... Anyways you said that today we're going to the airport ... Which time exactly?"

"Maybe around 1pm... It's my day off today so..."

"But it's 1pm..."

I turn around to the clock on the wall as soon as he says that...

"WHAT!? I really overslept today... I usually get up at 10am on day off... Anyways so could it be at 2pm? You probably can leave your office at any time you need so..."

"Yeah... 2pm it is! Just make sure that your shoe it's on your foot when I get there"

I can hear a laugh on the background

"Yeah, so funny... Ok bye"


I hang up the phone and go to the couch to watch TV...

* * *

It's 2pm and I'm full ready... I'm dressed in a dark green vest and with a white t-shirt and dark blue pants... And my usually shoes. I'm waiting for Bryce to pick me up... Probably he will go here just to pick me up from my apartment to the parking lot...

A bit later I hear the doorbell. I open the door and there it is... The blonde guy... But now he's dressed in his usual work clothes probably because he was there a couple of minutes ago...

"Hello little berry..."

"Little Berry? Who's little berry..."

"It's you of course! Because you're small and your dark blue hair reminds me of blueberry's."

"Oh great! Your hair it's so yellow that reminds me of my pee!"



"Yeah, I need to stop making jokes... If this can be even called a joke."

"You're much prettier today."

"I am?"

"Yeah, I like way more this outfit than your yesterday one... "

"Oh, thanks umm... I just had this in my closet." I reply looking at my down at my clothes. "Anyways let's go then..."

"Yeah" he says offering his arm like yesterday...

Now I smile and accept it with no problems... I just need to get used to this...

"How's work?" I ask to him

"Yeah, nobody needs my help, so I just sit in my office making origamis... Or printing papers..."

"Oh... Boring..."

We go downstairs to the parking lot. This time he is with his white Mercedes-Benz he usually uses to go to work... I open the door and seat there waiting for Bryce to turn it on. I close the door and he starts leading to the airport that where we're going claim the tickets and probably it's where we are planning to travel... (This sentence it's so confusing help)

* * *

We then go to the entrance of the airport which there's some balcony's there. I go first to the balcony that there's a blonde girl in a dark blue suit... Her name it's "Florença" I can see on the crèche she has on the suit.

"Welcome to our airlines sir... Can I help with something?"

"Yeah, me and my... Umm... Very close friend... We came to claim some tickets. They gave us on work and it's a vacation to Portugal."

"Can I see them please?" The lady asks

Bryce and I hand her the tickets that were in our hands. She then passes the tickets on a machine...

"Ok these tickets are for a vacation to Portugal... It's about 1 weeklong and you can claim the Back tickets there on the "Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro" Which it's the local airport from Porto... Oh and you will receive a free map from the city on the boarding day..." She says. "So when it's going to be the boarding day"

I look at Bryce. He makes a "I don't know" face expression

"It could be... Next week... Sunday?" I say.

I look at Bryce and he nods...

"Ok so next Sunday it's at 6pm..." The lady confirms... "I just need to see your ID Cards and then I'll Print the tickets for you guys."

We nod and hand our ID cards to her. She checks the cards and then her puts the tickets on a machine that starts to print other tickets. When our tickets are ready, she thrown the old ones in the trash and hands the new ones to us.

"Thank you for choosing us." The lady says with a calm voice

We then left the airport and Bryce looks at me

"So... Wanna go for an Ice cream?" Bryce asks... 

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