Don't call me baby...

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It's now 11:38pm. Me and Bryce are starving... It's been already 4 hours we are on this plane and we didn't nothing because everything it's too expensive. So, I'll just buy a bottle of water which it's literally 3 fucking dollars... Why things on Airports or planes need to be so expensive?

I look at Bryce and he's reading a book "Romeo and Juliet" By Shakespeare. I didn't know he liked to read and if I had to guess what he liked to read the last option will be romance for sure. I don't he doesn't seem the guy to read romances often. Or does he? Yeah, he has charm and it's a very polite guy... But sometimes or mostly of the time he's just annoying. I like him

I start to feel tired and when I notice I'm already sleeping...

* * *

I start to feel someone shake me... I open my eyes slowly and see Bryce looking at me shaking my arm trying to wake me up.

"We're Almost there you need to get ready. Wake up"

I lift my head up.

"We're... Almost... There?"

"Yes, sort of 20 minutes and we land"

I suddenly wide a smile on my face.

"This was a good sleep"

"You're cute sleeping. Can't wait to sleep with you. It will be a privilege seeing that cute face every morning for a week" He winks

"Stop... We're on a fucking plane don't tease me here"

"I'll try"

* * *

After 20 or 30 minutes after the plane starts to finally land... which it's traumatic... It shacked so much that I could feel my ass move off the chair every time. After the land we pick our suitcases and walk off the plane I come across with a bright blue sky. It was like there on America too, but it just feels different here...

We leave the airport and go to a more central part and try to find an ATM because we can't pay with dollars here, so we need to transfer it to euros... We find an ATM near a mall entrance where we claim some euros... We leave some dollars in case needed too

"So umm now we need to find a hotel to stay... Do you know if there is a hotel nearby?" Bryce asks

"Nope... Let's try ask someone" I look at the mall entrance "We maybe could find some information here"

We look at the sign up there which says, "Shopping Center Brasilia" We go inside of it and find some people walking it. We approach a couple that's near by

"Umm excuse me do you know where has a hotel nearby. We're tourists and we are kind of lost so..."

They look at us with a confuse face... There's a lady using a blue flower dress and some white heels and next to her it's a guy which it's wearing and orange t-shirt and some baggy jeans

"Ah... Desculpa nós não falamos Ingles..." (Umm... Sorry we don't speak English) The guy says.

"Si, lo siento" (Yes, sorry.) The girl affirms.

"Sai parlare italiano caro?" Bryce suddenly says shocking me off

"You know Italian!? Since when..." I say with my mouth open

"Honey, I know everything..." Bryce says

"Yeah right"

"Sì, lo so" (Yes, I know) The girl says

"Ottimo, potresti dirci dove si trova un hotel nelle vicinanze?" (Great, could say to us if it haves a hotel nearby?) Bryce says.

"Si, sì. All'ingresso del centro commerciale si cammina un po' fino a raggiungere la rotonda. Poi girate a sinistra e troverete un albergo." (Yes, you go to the entrance and then you walk a little bit till' you two reach the roundabout. Then you turn left, and you'll find the hotel.) The lady gently says

"Grazie" (Thanks) Bryce says.

He then starts walking out the shopping center and I follow him

"So, what did the girl said?" I ask him

"Yes, there's a hotel nearby and we don't even need to call a taxi because we just need to walk a little..."

"Great! So, we just pick a room for us to stay the week and then we could go to the beach or something... Our just walk around the streets seeing stuff... What you think?"

"Sure, it will be a nice idea" He says

* * *

Bryce is pinning me on our hotel room door kissing my collarbone

"I'm sure we will enjoy this week together don't ya think baby" He's voice is husky and sexy almost sounding like a whisper

"Don't call me baby... I'm a man" I say

"My man now"

He then sticks he's tongue to mine and with his hands pulls my waist closer to him letting out little moans and sounds out of my mouth turning him even more on... 

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