This isn't happening.

469 9 36

The alarm starts to play intensely. As soon as I hear the loud annoying alarm sound, I get myself up from the bed to prepare myself for working.

I am wearing some blue shorts and a baggy white T-shirt that I mostly use just for sleeping. I put on my rabbit slippers which is embarrassing but I still love them with all my heart. They're so cute. As soon as I walk a step, I realize that by head and ass are hurting as hell. I can barely walk.

I try go to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for me but suddenly when I'm about to open the fridge to get some eggs I feel an urge to thrown up. Like right now. I run to the toilet as I wide open my mouth to almost throw my stomach off. God what's happening to me? I sit myself in bed to try calm myself and my body when I remember the amount of whiskey I drank last night.

"Wait is this... Hungover?"

I suddenly feel a relief since I'm not sick or anything but doesn't explain the fact why my ass and mostly my legs hurt so much. I try to get myself up again this time feeling a bit better since I at least thrown up everything from last night. I think.

I go back to the kitchen and find my fridge beeping because I didn't close it when I ran to the bathroom. I pick the eggs and close it as fast as possible because that beep sounds the fridge make its so fucking annoying.

I toast some bread and cook some eggs. I attach the fried eggs to the toast eating them a little bit fast then normal since I still need to get dressed and drive to work. When I finish eating my breakfast I go to my bedroom. Pick a suit combo from the closet and close it. As soon as I'm dressed, I put deodorant pick my handbag and leave my apartment.

I drive to the familiar work building and park my car. I enter the elevator inside and click the button to the top floor. When I arrive it there's already people working in their cubicles so rush to my cubicle to start working too.

Sometime passes and around 9:38pm someone which is very familiar approaches to me. It's Bryce. He then stops at my cubicle and looks at me prepared to speak

"On break time come to my office... Ok?" He says looking at me

"Hm? It's there something wrong?"

"No! No! I Just need to talk to you, pal."

"Ok. I'll show up but I won't stay there for much. My day didn't start so well because of the amount we drank last night... And I urgently need coffee, or I'll pass out any second"

I say looking at him and typing at the same time

"Oh... That's why you look like a homeless guy..."

"Excuse me?"


I sigh. "Now go away I need to finish this protocol."

I say looking at Bryce waiting for him to disappear.

He then goes away back to his office. The time passes and it's now 11pm which means its breaktime. I remember what Bryce said so I go to his office and knock to the door waiting for someone to open it.

Bryce stands up from his chair and approaches to me.

"So, the reason I called you hear it's because you gave me some motivation and my abusive relationship is sort of over. And since we have a lot of fun last night, I want to give you these."

He hands me a heart shaped chocolate box.

"Wow umm... Well, I think I didn't do nothing special I mean. I just drank with you and said to break up with your Ex"

"We did... Nothing" Bryce says looking at me

I pick up the Chocolate Box

"I mean we sort almost died of overdose but well it was supposed to."

Bryce approaches his head to my neck smelling it. He then kisses it gently. I move my hand to his face slapping him

"What the hell!?" I say yelling

Bryce first looks confused and amused but then he remembers the fact that I could not remember the events that happened last night.

"Oh umm. I'm sorry you had a fly on your neck"

"And you wanted to kill it kissing!?"

"Yes? Isn't that how everyone kills flies?" Bryce says lying. A horrible lie of course

"Yeah, right weirdo. Don't do ever do that again"

I walk to the door but when I'm almost opening it to leave his office I hear his voice

"We... We had sex!" He says desperately

"Who?" I look at him with eyes wide open and blushing.

"Yes... umm last night... You probably don't remember..."


"DON'T FREAK OUT PLEASE!" he says trying to calm me down




I leave the office angry? Surprised? Horn-

Doesn't change the fact how could I made sex with him? What I'm thinking about!?!?!? This is not happening. I didn't lose my virginity with him it's impossible he's lying.

I go back to my cubicle still confused of what's happening. 

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