The Night Before The Wedding

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The bridal suite buzzed with excitement as Elena darted around, her breath coming in short bursts of anticipation. Bridesmaids hurried about, each with a job to do, turning the room into a hive of activity.

"Okay, decorations are set! Flowers checked! Catering confirmed!" Elena announced, mentally ticking off each item. "Did anyone call the DJ? We need to make sure he's got our playlist!"

Ronnie, her best friend and maid of honor, flashed a thumbs-up. "All sorted, Elena! He knows your taste better than you do!"

Elena beamed, her heart swelling with gratitude. This was it, the moment she'd been dreaming of since she was a little girl. But amidst the chaos, one crucial detail remained.

"Guys, have you seen the photographer? We can't miss a single moment tomorrow!" she asked, her voice filled with urgency as she scanned the room for any hint of the elusive artist.

"He's downstairs setting up, Elena," Jason's voice floated in from the doorway, his eyes alight with admiration for his soon-to-be wife.

Elena's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. She crossed the room in a heartbeat, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Hey, handsome," she whispered, her voice filled with love.

Jason returned her embrace, his arms wrapping around her with a sense of familiarity and comfort. His dark hair was tousled, and his brown eyes sparkled with warmth as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.

Elena couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of warmth flood her chest. Her mind drifted back to how this whole wedding thing had unfolded.

They had started off as just friends, never expecting to fall in love. But somewhere along the way, their feelings had changed, evolving into something deeper and more profound than either of them had ever imagined.

It had been a journey filled with joy and heartache, but through it all, they had remained by each other's side, supporting and comforting one another every step of the way.

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Elena couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. Grateful for the unexpected turn their friendship had taken. Grateful for the love they had found in each other. And most of all, thankful for how he had turned her world upside down-in the best possible way.

Their moment was interrupted by a "ahem" from the side of the bridesmaids.

That's when  Teresa, who was meticulously tending to Elena's bridal ensemble for the next day, suddenly gasped, her eyes fixating on something amidst the folds of the dress.

"Guys, hold on a sec," Teresa interjected, her tone shifting from jovial to puzzled. "Is that... a tag?"

Elena and the others hastened over, their curiosity piqued. Sure enough, there it was, a tiny slip of fabric peeking out from beneath the layers of tulle.

Elena's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement as she inspected the tag. "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I missed that!"

"Could you just imagine strutting down that aisle with that tag still dangling?" Ronnie chuckled between fits of laughter, her amusement evident.

Elena couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image

"The groom wouldn't mind, now would he?"

Jason, who had been quietly observing the lively exchange, couldn't resist joining in. "Well, I'm all for it!"

The other bridesmaids joined in, their voices overlapping one another.

"And here I was worried about tripping over my own feet!"

"Hey, at least it would give the guests something to talk about!"

"I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow!" Sarah, one of the bridesmaids, squealed, squeezing Elena's hand.

"Tomorrow's going to be epic," Elena declared, her voice filled with anticipation. "And it's all thanks to you guys."

With a final round of hugs and high-fives, the bridal party dispersed, leaving Elena and Jason alone in the quiet of the room.

"Ready for tomorrow, Elena?" Jason asked, his gaze soft with affection.

Elena took a deep breath, her heart swelling with emotion. "More than ready."

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