This isn't over

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As the night stretched on, Elena's mind remained in a haze, her movements robotic, her laughter forced. She went through the motions—posing for pictures, cutting the cake, mingling with guests—but her heart wasn't in it. Every time she managed a genuine smile, she'd feel Norman's presence lurking at the edge of her thoughts.

The reception carried on around her in a swirl of voices, music, and champagne toasts, but to Elena, it felt like she was drifting through it all. She could barely process the conversations happening in front of her, the warm congratulations from friends and family. Even Jason, who was always so in tune with her moods, had begun to notice the cracks in her composure.

"Elena," he murmured during a quiet moment, his fingers brushing hers as they sat together at the head table. "Talk to me. You're not yourself."

She looked up at him, her heart breaking a little at the worry in his eyes. How could she possibly explain everything that was going on inside her? How could she make him understand what Norman had done to her—what he still had the power to do?

"I'm sorry," she whispered, reaching up to touch his face, her fingertips trailing softly along his jawline. "I want to be present, I do. It's just... everything's happening so fast."

Jason gave her a soft, understanding smile, but she could see the flicker of concern that never quite left his gaze.

Before she could say anything else, Ronnie suddenly appeared at the table, her face flushed from dancing. "Elena! Jason! Come on, we need you guys back on the dance floor. It's your party! You can't hide up here all night."

Elena glanced at Jason, who gave her a small shrug and a smile. "Up for another dance?"

Elena hesitated, feeling a fresh wave of exhaustion wash over her. But she forced herself to nod, not wanting to let anyone down. **I can do this,** she told herself. **Just get through tonight.**

As they returned to the dance floor, the music changed to something more upbeat, the bass thumping loudly through the speakers. Jason twirled her playfully, his eyes full of warmth.

She tried to focus on him, on the feel of his hands in hers, on the warmth of his smile. For a moment, she managed to lose herself in the rhythm of the song, her body moving with his, her mind slipping away from the dark cloud that Norman had cast over the evening.

But just as she began to relax, a flash of movement caught her eye from across the room.

Her heart stuttered.

Standing at the far edge of the reception hall, near the entrance, was a tall figure, his silhouette familiar, even in the dim lighting. Her breath hitched in her throat as panic surged up through her chest. **No. It can't be.**

"Elena?" Jason's voice was filled with concern as he noticed the sudden tension in her body.

But she couldn't respond. Her eyes were locked on the doorway. The figure was gone now, disappeared back into the crowd, or maybe he'd never been there at all. Her pulse raced, her hands trembling slightly as she pulled away from Jason.

"Elena, what is it?" Jason's grip on her arm tightened as he followed her gaze.

"I-I thought I saw..." Her words trailed off, her breath coming in shallow, rapid bursts. **No, I'm imagining things. He's not here. He wouldn't come back.**

Jason's brow furrowed in confusion. "Saw who?"

She forced a weak smile, shaking her head. "No one. I—it's nothing. I'm just tired."

Jason didn't look convinced, but he let it go, squeezing her hand gently. "Let's take a break then. Come on."

He led her away from the dance floor, back toward their table, but Elena's eyes continued to dart around the room, scanning the crowd for any sign of Norman. Every time she thought she saw him, her heart would leap into her throat, but then the figure would turn, revealing some random guest, a stranger.

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