Shattered Illusions

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The room was silent, all eyes on Norman as he lingered, as if considering his next move. But then, slowly, he stepped back, his eyes locking onto Elena's with a dangerous glint. "This isn't over," he said quietly, too softly for anyone else to hear.

Elena didn't flinch this time. She met his gaze with a quiet defiance, her heart still racing, but no longer crippled by fear. "Yes, it is."

Norman's eyes narrowed, but he turned and, without another word, strode toward the exit. The tension in the room began to ease as whispers and murmurs filled the air. He was gone.

But as the doors closed behind him, Elena knew—this wasn't over. Not really. Norman wasn't the type to walk away that easily.

Jason pulled her into a tight embrace, whispering softly into her hair, "I'm here, okay? Whatever this is... we'll get through it together."

Elena nodded, resting her head against his chest, the comfort of his arms grounding her. But deep down, she felt the unease settle like a stone in her gut. Norman was gone for now. But the storm he'd brought with him? It was just beginning.

Elena stood still in Jason's embrace, her heart still beating erratically, her mind spinning. She listened to his reassuring words, but a part of her remained disconnected, like she was watching the entire event from outside her own body.

It wasn't just Norman's sudden reappearance that unsettled her—it was the past rushing back, flooding into the fragile peace she had worked so hard to build.

Around them, the atmosphere in the room began to return to the excited buzz of a wedding. The guests whispered among themselves, some laughing awkwardly, others glancing toward Elena with concern. The DJ had restarted the music, trying to lift the mood with a cheerful tune that felt painfully out of place.

Yennifer returned to Elena's side, her face still flushed with adrenaline. She gave a tight-lipped smile, though her eyes were filled with worry. "That guy has some nerve," she muttered, glancing over her shoulder as if expecting Norman to reappear. "I should've hit him with the mic."

Ronnie, still by Elena's side, chuckled softly, though her own nervous energy was palpable. "Honestly, it would've been worth it. Wedding pictures could've used some drama anyway."

Elena let out a shaky laugh despite herself, though her chest still felt tight. "You'd think we'd get a break from drama today, of all days."

Ronnie snorted, wrapping her arms around Elena in a firm, reassuring hug. "Girl, you know we don't do normal."

But as Elena tried to relax into the warmth of her friends' support, she couldn't shake the tension coiling in her gut. Norman's words still echoed in her mind, sharp and invasive. **This isn't over.**

She knew what he was capable of—how he could linger like a shadow, slipping into every part of her life. If he was back now, he wasn't going to just disappear again.

Jason pulled back slightly, cupping her face gently, his eyes searching hers with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly, his thumb brushing her cheek.

Elena nodded, though she couldn't quite meet his gaze. "I... I will be," she said, her voice soft but steady.

Jason's brow furrowed. "Who is he, Elena? He clearly knows you. He said some pretty unsettling things." His tone wasn't accusatory, but there was a hint of confusion, even frustration, beneath the calm.

Elena bit her lip, suddenly feeling exposed. Jason didn't know the full extent of her past with Norman—how toxic and dangerous things had become. She had never wanted to drag that darkness into her new life with him. But now, with Norman's public appearance, she realized there was no way around it. She had to tell him. The whole truth.

"Jason..." she began, her voice wavering. "There's something I need to explain. About him. About us."

Before she could continue, Yennifer stepped in, her voice cutting through the conversation like a knife. "Elena, no. Not here, not now." She shot Jason a glance, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Let her breathe first."

Jason hesitated, his protective instinct still flaring, but he sighed and nodded, clearly sensing that now wasn't the time to push. He leaned down and kissed the top of Elena's head gently. "We'll talk later. Whenever you're ready."

Elena exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, grateful for the reprieve, but her nerves were still raw. Her mind buzzed with too many thoughts—how she would tell Jason about Norman, what he'd think once he knew everything, and how Norman's words had cut her deeper than she wanted to admit.

"Thank you," she whispered, her fingers clutching the fabric of his jacket. "Thank you for understanding."

Jason gave a soft smile, though worry still clouded his features. "Always," he murmured, his hand resting on the small of her back as he guided her toward the table where they were supposed to be sitting.

As they neared the head table, Ronnie clapped her hands together loudly, a forced brightness in her voice as she tried to lift the mood. "Alright, folks! We've had a weird moment, but this is a wedding, not a drama special. Let's get some champagne flowing and get back to celebrating this amazing couple!"

The guests responded with a few scattered cheers, some laughter returning to the room as the waitstaff began serving drinks again. The clinking of glasses, soft chatter, and upbeat music filled the space once more, though there was an unmistakable undercurrent of tension still humming beneath it all.

Elena sat down, but her mind wasn't in the room anymore. She felt disconnected, like a part of her was floating above everything, watching her body go through the motions of the reception. Norman's face kept flashing in her mind—his smug grin, his cryptic words. Her heart pounded with fear of what might come next. She hadn't told Jason everything, and now it was too late to hide the truth.

Yennifer leaned in close, her voice low as she whispered, "Don't let him steal this from you. He's gone now. You've got a beautiful day ahead of you. Enjoy it."

Elena forced a smile and nodded, but the unease in her chest didn't budge. She glanced around the room, her eyes darting to the exit where Norman had left, half-expecting him to walk back in and resume his torment.

Jason's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Elena, let's do the first dance."

She blinked, startled, her mind still clouded with worry. "Right. The dance," she echoed, trying to shake herself out of the daze. The guests were watching them expectantly, waiting for that beautiful, picture-perfect moment between bride and groom.

Jason took her hand gently and led her to the dance floor, his touch grounding her. The familiar chords of their song started to play, a soft, romantic melody that had always made her smile. But now, it felt distant, like the music was trying to reach her from miles away.

As they moved together, Jason's hands firm and steady around her waist, Elena's mind drifted, unable to fully lose herself in the moment. She wanted to be here with Jason, to revel in their love, but Norman's shadow still loomed over her, his presence like a stain she couldn't wash away.

"You're distant," Jason murmured, his lips close to her ear as they swayed slowly across the floor. "Talk to me. What's really going on?"

Elena's chest tightened. She wanted to tell him, to spill every dark secret, but fear held her tongue. She was terrified that if Jason knew everything about Norman—about the manipulation, the emotional abuse—he might look at her differently. Like she was damaged.

"I'll tell you later," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the music. "I promise. I just need... time."

Jason's arms tightened around her slightly, a silent reassurance. "Okay," he said softly, kissing her forehead. "I'll wait."

Elena exhaled shakily, grateful for his patience, but the pit in her stomach remained. She knew she couldn't keep running from her past, not now that Norman had forced his way back in. This wasn't over.

Not by a long shot.

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