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Authors POV-

"That was rude,Grey."

"So was that girl didn't you see the way she was talking to you"

" She was just doing her job you were worried over pointless action!"

"Being rude to customers without any reason is not the part of job"

They were arguing in the middle of the street. Ana didn't understand why Evan was so angry over such trivial matter.

"You know our State law allows citizens to shoot people with gun who enters into others house without permission do you know the reason, Ana?"

"Maybe because Florida has higher crime rates?! I don't know.."

" No! It's because some people are completely nuts and lying deceivers.! "

"So? "

" That girl was goddamn lier. She knows that you also know that it's if you don't teach her right lesson she will be doing same thing with others and taking advantage of  gentle nature of people like you."
Evan retorted.

"I'm thankful to you for standing up for me but we could have solved it by having decent conversation."
Ana said to him.

It was their first meeting but it looked like they were arguing like couple.

"I'm sorry ok? I overreacted.. I just don't like liers Or being lied to."
Evan toned it down a bit before Ana could be more upset.

"It's alright.Let's leave before it's too late and don't worry I can manage people like her , she was barely any harmful."
Ana whispered to him.

Little did Evan knew that nice people were the most manipulative bastards.

Ariana was equally thrilled and terrified because her crush was defending her but he hated liers and her whole existence was a big lie. At that point she completely zoned out from the reality and didn't realize that she was still holding Evans pinky tightly until his finger turned numb.

"Ouch! "
He looked in pain.

"Oh! I'm sorry..  I didn't realize what I was doing!? Are you ok?"

"Im fine I was just kidding!! "
He suddenly changed his expression from tensed to funny.

"Ok.It was nice meeting you, I'll see you later then."
Ariana said.

"How are you going to the home? "
Evan asked.

"I'll just get the taxi."
She answered.

" Let me drop you off. "
He offered.

"No.theres no need, I can manage,Grey don't worry.. "

"No.. Ana. You are new in this town,for my sake let me do the honor."

"Ok.but just for this once. "
She said.

Then they both took seat in the cab. She started feeling sleepy because she had eaten too much. She closed her eyes for five seconds and couldn't open it.

"Ana? "
He whispered.

She replied. Again closed her eyes.


Now she completely opened her eyes.

"What? "

He smiled. 

"Dummy!! Let me rest.. "
She lightly punched him on his shoulder.
She again closed her eyes.
Taxi driver was shuffling through his playlist and then he stopped at one song.

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