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Happy reading! (Ariana)


"And who are you to decide the do's and dont's, asshole ?"

Alex completely blocked my view from the Evan and stood firmly to retaliate against him and he started pacing forward towards the Evan the demon. Jesus, this is bad. Glance of hate was visible on both of their faces,like their Previous encounter was Pretty nasty. This is bad.

"So you tell me Mr.STD. Is it not enough for you slept with half of the girls population in our college ?"

Whether Evan have had problem with me or I'm the femmè fatale.

"Look who's talking one who didn't even spare teachers? Just beacuse of your dad, you are not suspended ."

Alex was furious or beyond furious .conversation is leading to another level.

I have to stop them before it turns into something vulnerable.

"Wh-what we do is none of yo-your concern Gr- Evan." Be strong Ariana. Always. "Stay Ou-out of our lives." I managed to mumble.

This is hard.

He walked closer to me and finally reached the table .

Olivia's jaw dropped open,she was unable to comprehend single word.

"Mr pretty boy ,you just Stay away from Arie, unless you want to see my bitchy side."

Loudness of a voices gained attention of everyone who where studying.they were now picking glances at us. This is so embarrassing.

" I can, ! Miss ugly can speak that's the new! You had to show your ugly face even after my warnings right?" He eventually closed the distance between us . He came face to face completely ignoring noxius Alex, who was ready to pounce on him. Alex has lips has now twitched it felt like he was close to smirking

His voice was so authorized that even  she flinched from his remark. Olivia couldn't step further interrupt.

" Let me guess!You sorta like him, right.Miss ugly and Mr fucking playboy! Deadly combination!!" Without giving me chance to speak he bent downward, spitting venom in my ear.

My hair on spine stood straight. He was as close as he could be ,nervousness flooded through my mind .

"NO!NO! You will not utter a single word!"sudden panic in voice was clear. Dont panic,don't panic.

"Stay away from us ! She hates you."Alex came in between  and he pushed him further in such way that distance of a inches became meter.

Why everyone tries to justify relations ? Does just personification makes it easy for individual to ascess through their personal life?

Why it is very important to tag name for everything? Friend to boyfriend? Does that even matters?

Sometimes strangers are better than familiar people because they don't care about your past or any concern about your life .

No one can better understand this better than me. That's why I hate people asking about my wherebys .

Never judge people within minutes or single incident, it takes many traumatic experiences to get bitter taste of their nature to know harsh reality.

I am never the one to judge anyone by first encounter it takes thousands of a pieces,complete and compile me that puzzle of questions . Electric surge and realization ....ohhh! On that day it happened due to some reason and I ignoring it .. And it makes my heart to clench and like jigsaw puzzle to complete it burst into the thousands .

You mustn't 't claim someone eventually you have to let go.

Why? Why every time I feel atleast someone is there for me and in the end last to face only a betrayal? When I start trusting someone,it breaks me until I unbreakable.

I resisted the sight him. My breathing increased by pace and now I'm breathless.

I don't want to hear anyone I just want silence. Silence which I want to deep dive into and never come back,voices that will not penetrate into my mind.

HE was out of my sight. My teary blurred vision started becoming clear.

"Focus on me Rie"Miya whispered. I slowly calmed down.

I realized Alex was holding me.I removed his hold from me, I hugged my self .

"Sweetheart are you alright? Or you want me to kick his ass?"

"Hmm. Thanks for the concern."I murmured .

We were heading towards the classroom. It was calculus by professor Allen that Me and Alex had shared common. Miya had french so there would be only two of us in calculus.

"Do you want me to cut his dick and feed to cats. Not that cats will be interested to feed on poop" She laughed imaging things.

I nodded my head half smilingly. She was trying to elevate my mood.

Calculus was the only thing which I was interested. I loved maths ,it's something that boosts the brains. I settled down on my regular seat.

Thinking about Sums of integral calculus , I was memorizing the real value function . Alex was sitting beside me he was one of the competers in calculus.

"Limit of the function of the form f(x)/g(x) equal to the limit of f'(x)/g'(x)" I blurted out

"I know L' hospital's rule genius ."
Alex wolfishly smiled.

Class went smoothly , I forgot about everything.Focus on sums arie.


920 words ... new record ... yeppp file de pute- son of bitch in french

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