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Chapters are unedited. 🙃


With his height he was hovering above me. I gasped at sudden invasion he took his chance to enter my tongue, touching my tongue. Same sparks leaving my body as they were before , my body reacted the same way as it was on fire. He bit my lips applying slight pressure until its swollen, I am unable to comprehend the situation. His lips were possesively and dominantly kissing mine, same minty taste mingled with caffeine.

"Ana.." he moaned into my mouth. My body was on fire,he used the name that was forbidden. Pain ached through my heart numbing my brain. I placed my hand on his chest to move him away from me. My heart was beating faster than its limits any more speed and it would be out my rib cage.

"Evan, stop it ." I shouted as loudly as I can to snap him out of I dont know like some dream or more like nightmare. He pushed me away from him as I was the one who did deed to him.
" Don't fucking touch me Evy! "
He gasped not believing words.

"Are you ashamed of my touch Ana? "
He knew that no matter what I always did what he wanted, I never really minded his touch because his lips were irresistible, we had kissed thousand times still it always brought butterflies in my stomach I never rejected his touch. I used to listen his every single demands  because he used to have what he wanted it was always about him that's why he never fucking cared about my feelings.
" It was all your damn fault! Shame, that some people will never change. You just want to provoke me, by seeking an attention . You are an attention whore and you always will be. What happened at party was just end of the begining " he smirked slightly.
It was time for him to understand that he was not some prince Charming that  everyone will be ready to do whatever the hell he wanted, it's time to for some reality check. He always saw my soft side that's why he  overreacted over my simple denial.

"We are not in Jacksonville anymore Grey!
Why can't you get it under you thick head? "
    I used to call him by Grey which was short cut for Grace because that's what his name means literally because Evan was plain boring and he loved it.He would kiss me every time after I said Grey, it was our thing like our thing. Old habits don't die early I guess. I made valid point its no more brainer. We have very I mean literally dramatic history as anyone can feel it. Evan was as bad as he is now in the past but at least he was close to me. what we had was unpredictable, irrelevant, irresponsible and here we are. His posture told that he was analysing me as I was. He had trimmed his hair, wondered why I liked his silky long hair, oh that's why. As I got closer I saw his tiniest frickles. We were different people now and it was tiring me out . This constant fights we have its all my fault.But my heart still beats faster as he is near, my mind screamed. My mind is just fogged fogged with love and memories. His smirk has gone now replaced with anger, I wanted to tell him how much I missed him, hated him, and never wanted to see his face. Here Iam watching this devil. It is toxic Arie don't think about past, stop just stop.

" I am not your Grey anymore! stop calling me that! "
I clenched my teeth, fisted my hand ready to punch him as he he punched me Invisibly with his words then I stopped.

"Fine then stop calling me Ana I'm not your Ana anymore. "

"What are you? Five? "
I stomped my feet to let him know that how much unpleased I was with his comment. I was on eye level with him, same eyes that I used to get lost into, it's always nostalgic. Does he feel what I feel ? We hate us. We don't want see each others faces, it's toxic. He promised me forever and now we are two different people with different hearts. He always knew how I tend to overthink things then why he hurting me so bad? Whenever he is hurting me with his words why does it feels like I am being stabbed with knives. His pupils are dilated I wonder why.

"Drop the act Evan, don't pretend like you know me cause you don't. "
I licked my dried lips with my tongue. His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips.

" Ariana it should be me to tell you that, drop the act Ariana, stop pretending like you are some shy girl ,They doesn't know you like I do"
He said, pointing out my nane, tension is back between us was thick.  He used my full name. Shit.

"It was past Evan and it was deal between us to never cross each others path" I shoved him harshly

"Have you forgotten it so fast , Ariana that it was you who crossed my path, it was you that came to the party willingly "
He shoved me back with equal force . He opened the door not before saying something like
"I still hate you. "

Yeah, yeah its not like I don't know it. I cover my face with my hands thinking about how much everything has changed. I missed Evan mostly our friendship. We used to have crazy night outs, mad parties, ugly hangovers. It was best part of my life. We were too comfortable with each other. How everything can grow wrong with every things perfect example would be me. I'm sure. What he has done is unforgivable he betrayed me. That's not how friendships are that's not how love is built on.Olivia doesn't know shit about my past or anything , I can't trust anyone even if it's my best friend.
And in this college everyone is not how they show it to the others,. There is always some hidden motive . I don't want to reveal my past. Door clicked opened again and I see my professor I swear it was closed few minutes ago, I forgot that Evan somehow opened it .

" Miss Martin you can leave, your detention is over and dont be late next time " He moved past from the door

" Ok sir " I didn't had any better choice of words. He wouldn't hear my excuse even if it was true so I'll not waste my energy and it's time to again to put on shy dumb girl act so lets move.
I moved as quickly as possible like any cliche story my professor was not after me he was just duchbag , like he wanted nothing good to happen in anyones life. No need for that as my life filled with intresting characters that made it quit intolerant. My life was hell.

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