ARCHIVE 1: Spindle of Fate

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The spindle that weaves the fate of people will continue to spin endlessly...

Until there is no one left...but the fate that was weaved for you...will always be...



The story will be lead by you.. and only you...good luck... Hero Allison Olivier...

But it looks like we have another one that'll help...

(Allison's POV)


"Shh!" Said the librarian, I copied the gesture before I continued studying, hmm..I think someone's talking about me? Hmm, I don't get it, bah! Let's just focus on studying

I'm gonna need to try and get to the top for this,  I thought, I just hope I'll get passed through the test..

I do hope that I'll pass this one...nope I will pass this test!

Mark my words!


Alright! Studying done! I'll overcome this challenge, I pumped my first up in the air before I left the library and went straight to my classroom.

But i think something......Changed? Hmm...maybe I don't know!

After a few minutes of waiting, instead of a written test, everyone was shocked when all of the students were called in the Gym even I was surprised!

"What's with the sudden change man?" I asked a random person, he only shrugged his shoulder before he pointed at the stage, oh right, right..

I watched as I saw the headmaster go up the stage and he summoned a mic? That's a cool ability!

All of the students listened intently with this sudden change of things.

I was also preparing to hear his speech, it was probably something about this event?


[The weaver of fate has entered the Livestream!]

[The weaver of fate says that your fate has been change]

[The weaver of fate was kicked out of the Livestream]

Huh...what the hell? That happened too fast... what's the thing? What type of thing is changing with my fate? I'm literally a nobody...

Thoughts began to overcrowd my mind leading me to not hearing the headmaster's speech, but all of it went away when I felt someone staring at me..

From behind.. I got shivers down my spine as I turned around quick to see who that person is?

Nothing... absolutely almost feels like they were...never there?

Probably just my imagination! Yeah probably just that! I smiled as I ignored the previous feeling of unease.

Just then, I heard a sound, this one..

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