Status: Rimuru

150 4 0

Name: Rimuru Tempest[After], Satoru Mikami[Before]

Ep: 50,500,555

Race: Demon Slime [Spiritual Body, Passive Digital Life Form]

Age: 5 Month

Gender: Genderless[After], Male[Before]

Height: 165 CM

Class: S+

Blessing: Crest of Strom

Origin Skill: [ Limited Information King Akashic Record] [Magicule Breader Reactor Mana]

Ultimate Skill: [Void God Azathoth] [Convenant King Uriel] [Wisdom King Raphael]

Unique Skill: [Delate] [Copy]..........

Ability and Powe

Void Manipulation
Enchened Space - Time Manipulation
Greater Water Manipulation
Elemental manipulation
Black Hole Creation
Subjectif Reality
Reality Warping
Conceptual Manipulation [Type 1 and 2: 5 Layers]
Conceptual Destruction [ 1,2 and 3]
Information Destruction [Type 1,2]
Abstrak Existence [Type 1 and Information Particel Type 2 - Concept Type 3]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Organic Physiology (Type All Type) & Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 & 3)


Adhesive Manipulation

Small Size [Type 1]

Dimensional Storage

Automatic Translation
Regeneration Negation & Regeneration [High - Godly]
Genius intelligent[Via Raphael]
Greater Sealing
Greater Fear manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Immortality[ Type 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]
Immortality Negation[All Type]
Greater fate manipulation
Unholy manipulation
Holy Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Shadow manipulation
Greater Mind Manipulation
Elemental Manipulation
Greater Ice Manipulation
Greater Existence Erasure
Greater Poison Manipulation
Limited Time Stop
Cosmic Awarness
Conceptual Absorption [Type 1]
Pocket Reality Manipulation
Probability manipulation
Law Manipulation [6 Layers]
Space-Time Manipulation
Passive Nonexistent Erasure & Space-Time Manipulation[Nuture Type 1,2 and All Aspects]
Information Destruction[All Type]
Chaos Manipulation
Time Manipulation
Time Travel
Portal Creation
Portal Dimensional Creation
Dimensional Travel
Higher Dimensional Existence
Dimensional Manipulation
Large Size [Type 6-8]
Acuasality[Higher Digree of Type 4]
Acuasality Negation [Higher Digree Of type 4]
Acuasality [Type 3 and Higher Digree of type 4]
Greater Wind Manipulation
Greater Reality Warping
Transduality Type 1
Demage Menipulation
Demage transfer
Luck Manipulation
Life - Death Manipulation
Fate manipulation
Cuasality Manipulation
Greater Law manipulation[6 Layers]
Power Nullification
Nonexistent Physiology[Nuture Type 1 and 3: all Aspect]
Energy projection
Heat manipulation
Sound manipulation
Benefits Ultimate Skill
Benefits Unique Skill
Power Nullification
Power Modification
Power Absorption 
Power Mimicry 
Power Absorption
Sense manipulation
Matter Manipulation
Sound Manipulation

Perception Manipulation
Fate Manipulation
Reality Warping
Causality Manipulation
Life Manipulation
Subjective Reality
Energy Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Forcefield Creation

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