We're getting there

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A few years later

It has been three years since Type left Pha-ngan with his uncle and a lot has happened to him since then. His uncle took them to the man's house in Chiang Mai instead of the Bangkok apartment. "Bangkok for me is all about work, I can never get away from it there. Like a peaceful retreat." The house was away from the city, surrounded by trees that provide great privacy. It was a gorgeous and massive mansion that was a mixture of modern and traditional. It was much bigger than his parents house but according to his uncle, not his biggest property, "this is probably the smallest one excluding the apartments."

His uncle's wealth had been something that had blown his mind for the first year that Type moved with him and even now Type still sometimes forgot just how rich the man truly was until he did some rich people shit like splurging and shrugging his shoulder at spending money on things that most people have to save for their whole lives to be able to afford.

"We can always get you your own place, maybe a penthouse in riverside?"

"Are you crazy?! All the places there are all in the millions!"

"A little cheap but," the older man had actually shrugged at that as if Type had been talking about a few bahts.

As soon as Type moved in, his uncle for the most part kept his promise of keeping to himself and letting Type mostly deal with Saengdao which helped him in dealing with being in a house with a strange man although with some help, Type was getting better with it.

The therapist, his uncle insisted he talked to, was a great help for working through his trauma although Type had at first only agreed to make his mother happy and because he saw it as one of his uncle's conditions for Type to stay. This meant that Type wasn't the best client but the therapist had the patience of a saint. But took all the snark with a soft calm that eventually made Type feel at ease although it still took him a lot to talk about IT.

Still, he thrived in Chiang Mai which was why he made the decision to stay after the first year, something his parents had not been happy about. "I've actually made friends here," he might have had to lie a little but the thought of going back to Pha-ngan had made him anxious. "I have a life here without people looking at me and whispering. I'm normal here," When Type said that it had hurt them but at the same time it had been hard for his parents to refuse although he had to promise to visit every vacation.

"And all the major moments."

"I promise."

And Type kept to his word, every vacation and special moments were spent in Pha-ngan, graduations, holidays, birthdays, all spent back home. He had just come back from celebrating his sixteen birthday over in Pha-ngan which was refreshing. 'Turns out visit my childhood home instead of living there, made the place actually enjoyable.'

It had been a fun trip but now he was back to Chiang Mai. 'Which I'm kind of happy about,' he would never tell his parents but sometimes Type felt suffocated by their constant concern and coddling. 'It's hard to tell them that their part of the reason I don't feel normal back home,' Type sighs, his mother was getting better but his father was still the same. The man either ignored that IT ever happened or he acknowledged it a little too much.

"No use getting into that now," he shook his head. Type didn't want to go to school in a bad mood, he already got the reputation for being grumpy.

He walked down to the massive garage under the house that his uncle flew an American architecture to design. "Which should I drive today?" There were all sorts of cars from jeeps to convertibles, from SUV to limo, from bikes to scooters. His uncle turned out to really be into collecting expensive shit or buying all variations of something he liked.

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