Not everything friend-shape, is a friend

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Author's Note: This story is practically writing itself, I'm really happy with what it has turn into and I hope everyone likes it as well. I realized that this kind of became a rewrite of the TharnType series with some mafia sprinkle. In this chapter, you get both POVs but their world don't clash until the next chapter, they might even meet.


A few years later

It has been almost two years since Tharn found out his family was involved with a loan shark that had a creepy interest in him. Since then, they had gotten free of the creepy man and his demands by paying off the debt in full even with all the absurd amount of interest that the man demanded. At first, the creepy man didn't want to take it, making dumb excuses but when he saw Tharn had grown out of his cute and small phrase, he was more willing to take the money.

Tharn still regrets that to get the money his father had to sell his company. When he had offered to go with the man and get more time for them, his entire family protested and scolded him for even thinking about it.

"Money and belongings are replaceable, family is not. As long as we have each other, we can get through everything."

His mother had explained that the people they had around them were more important than the things they possessed. Still, the guilt was something Tharn couldn't shake, he felt like he was unable to do anything to help his family when they really needed him.

This guilt is why, when the time to choose his major for university came, he decided to study law instead of music like he wanted to. Fortunately, after paying off the loan, their luck began to turn and things got a lot better. They were even able to afford piano lessons for Thanya. They made sure that the little girl was never aware of the full extent of their situation. The little girl adapted quickly to their new normal like everyone else and fortunately she had always been sweet despite how much they spoiled her.

"That's the things about us Kirigun, we're tenacious and open-minded."

"More like too stubborn to accept reality."

His parents once joked, and Tharn couldn't help but agree with both of them. Lhong called him delusional but Tharn knew that it was a family trait. They never took one way as the only possibility. That's why he found a friend in the music faculty who wanted to form a band and they all played together, 'I couldn't make myself completely give up on music.' He made great friends through that connection which was great because he had started to feel alone with just Lhong.

Nothing against his best friend but the boy tended to be constantly negative and snarky, border on mean, and Tharn found it draining. It wasn't that Tharn was an optimist or anything like that but he did like to be positive about not only situations but also people. "It's because you're an extrovert and I'm an introvert." Lhong had once explained but once Tharn knew more about both traits, he doubted that being an introvert was what made Lhong so...

"He's kind of bitchy." Tharn didn't want to admit it but his new friend, Tum, was kind of right in his assessment.

"But he's still my best friend, he has remained loyal and kind without asking anything in return, even when everyone else turned their backs at me."

Tharn still defended Lhong and he didn't mind losing a few friends because he refused to believe their lies about Lhong. Despite this, Tharn was not blind or ignorant to his best friend's faults or his tendencies to get a little overprotective whenever Tharn met someone new.

Like when Tharn started talking and later dating Tar, Lhong had warned him about Tar being too young for him and how it might look bad for Tharn to date him. "What happens if you break up then there is no more playing music?" He brought up some good points and made Tharn wondered but instead of not dating Tar, Tharn talked to Tum, Tar's older brother, before they started dating to get the man's blessing. Lhong hadn't been too happy about this which confused Tharn but the next day he was back to being all happy so Tharn waved it away.

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