Why you so obsessed with me?

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Tharn was so excited, he had been planning his and Tar's anniversary for months now and it was finally ready. He would first take the boy to one of his favorite restaurants which Tharn had to save a lot to be able to afford but he doesn't regret it because it would be worth it to see the shine in Tar's eyes. Then they would go on a walk through the market the Tar loved and where they had their first date. Finally, they would end up in Tharn's house. His parents were away visiting his maternal grandparents, Thanya had a sleepover planned at a friend's house and Thorn promised to stay away for a few hours with some teasing.

"Just a month to go," Tharn marked it on his calendar with excitement. It wasn't even about being intimate or having sex, but about celebrating their relationship and their love.

A week before their anniversary, Tar was also very excited about celebrating one year with Tharn, he was finally ready to take the next step in their relationship and the older man promised to take care of everything so Tar was actually looking forward to it. Tharn kept hinting that it would be a busy day so he should be prepared. He had not realized that the man had made plans for long before the actual day. That was why he was surprised when two days before the anniversary day, he got flowers with a message from his boyfriend.


Tar thought it was strange that Tharn signed with T instead of his name since the older boy was fairly formal when it came to texting and writing. He even normally spelled out words that everyone normally shortened, 'that's strange, maybe it's part of the surprise.'

What made Tar blush was that the address was to a hotel. At first, he thought that it was too soon, 'but then again what is a few days before the time?' He remembered what Lhong said about Tharn getting tired of waiting. Tar normally didn't listen to the older boy but he knew that Tharn had been very patient with him so far, it wouldn't surprise him if Tharn got tired.

That was why he dressed up and left, telling his brother he was going on a date with Tharn. "What, doesn't he normally pick you up?" Tum didn't look too happy, Tharn was always the perfect gentleman and insisted on picking Tar up and dropping him off while following curfews.

"It's a surprise," Tar waved his brother's concern away.

Tum wanted to drop him off but Tar refused with a blush. He didn't want his brother to realize that Tharn asked him to meet at a hotel. His brother was very protective and he wouldn't be too happy with Tharn, might even cause a fight between the two.

'Better not push it. Plus I don't want Tharn to feel like he's dating a kid.'

The hotel that Tharn chose was nice, in a medium price range kind of way but Tar knew how tight Tharn's budget so he was just happy that the older man would go through such length to make him feel special of their first night together

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The hotel that Tharn chose was nice, in a medium price range kind of way but Tar knew how tight Tharn's budget so he was just happy that the older man would go through such length to make him feel special of their first night together. Still, Tar was nervous especially when he didn't see Tharn anywhere. He waited in the restaurant thinking that the boy would meet him there but after a few minutes, he didn't see his boyfriend. Tharn was never late so that was strange. But just as he was going to call him, a waiter came over and served him a drink that he didn't order.

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