One rises the other falls

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Author's Note: Here comes the Tharn part of TharnType. In this chapter he officially joins the story 😍 Although it will still be a few chapters before it gets to where the series started and they meet. In this story, they'll meet in their third year, not their first.


A few years earlier

Life was twisted and strange, oftentimes when one was going up, another was being knocked down. Tharn was a fairly normal kid, he went to school -an all-boys school-, he played with his little sister and he argued with his big brother. He whined to his mother and wanted to be like his father, he had friends and crushes, he had hobbies and recently started to learn to play the drums after learning the piano and the guitar. Overall, he was a normal thirteen-year-old with the added bonus that his family was well-off, thanks to his father owning his own company. It wasn't a grand company, nowhere near a fortune 500 type of place but it paid for a big comfortable house, all of Tharn's hobbies, their private schooling, and even some extras. He never needed, wanted or yearned for anything.

Lhong, one of his friends, would say they were rich but Tharn didn't see it that way because his family didn't look or act like other rich families. They weren't over the top with luxury or arrogant and they definitely weren't greedy and out of touch.

"We just do well for ourselves," his father had said and Tharn would agree. Although he knew that it was definitely a charmed life.

Someone should have told him that charms are like spells, eventually they could be broken. Their spell was broken one morning when everything changed. It all happened when Tharn was woken up by the sounds of his normally calm and composed father shouting on the phone. When Tharn went to see what was wrong, his older brother met him in the hall and without a word, passed Thanya into his arms and ushered them back into Tharn's room.

"What was that?" Tharn asked, more to himself than his two year old sister but either way she shrugged. The toddler could barely talk but she understood their words although not so much their actions. It was clear that she just wanted to go back to sleep.

'I'll go and check once Thanya's asleep,' Tharn promised but in a matter of seconds he also joined his sister in a deep sleep forgetting everything going on.

The next morning everything seemed normal except his father didn't join them for breakfast and instead left early for the office. After first, Tharn didn't really notice anything wrong or different. It wasn't necessarily that he was sheltered but he was constantly surrounded by a positive environment so he had a hard time recognizing the negative.

"That makes you naive," Lhong would always tease him but Tharn didn't listen to him because Lhong liked to tease him all the time. Now Tharn is realizing that his friend had been right because his world had fallen apart and he didn't even notice until there was literally no ground to stand on.

He only realized a few days later when he came from school to his father arguing with some officials while his mother cried. "Phâaw, mâae," he called to them as he rushed over, wondering what was going on. Seeing him there everyone seemed to calm down or at least pretend to be calm.

"Look, we can give you a few weeks to get your affairs in order, after that we will be taking that house."

"What?" Tharn asked in shock. "You can't take our house!" He exclaimed, rushing over.

"Tharn get inside," his father ordered.

"But Phâaw..." but his father simply sent him a stern look that Tharn couldn't ignore.

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