He's WHAT?!

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Author Note: So the story is officially at the point of where the show begins. So this chapter has focuses on what happened in episode one of TharnType. The story will be different because I'm practically rewriting it but I do what to keep true to the chemistry of Tharn/Type. They had a great banter and back and forth, 

Please comment and let me know if I'm getting it right, not the events but the interaction and their personalities.

Besides that, enjoy 😏 (Smut is still not happening...at least for TharnType 😉) Also this is a long chapter.


Despite his doubts, Type's third year had actually been going great. Everything was better than expected, his new roommate turned out to be a good guy that understood and accepted the boundaries that Type put forward. The first few weeks, Type barely saw him and he later realized that the man was giving him space to adjust. It was a surprising but kind gesture that made Type feel bad about practically kicking the man out of his own room. Literally, Type only saw him once or twice for those first few weeks, besides the weird notes and snacks it was almost like Type lived in the dorm alone.

I was doing laundry and saw some of your clothes on the floor so I put them in with mine.

I saw you really liked the sour candy so I left some for you.

Good luck on your game. Fighting! (Saw you really like mangas, hope I used that right.)

Left some snacks for your study session.

Once Type pushed himself to give the man a chance at least just to be civil, he realized that Tharn was not only unbearably good looking but he was also so goddamn nice that Type almost worried about him. Tharn was definitely the guy that would buy some sob story from a scammer and give them all he had to help them. And as expected someone that nice was practically catnip for assholes which ignited Type's protective instinct or his "adopt a poor stray" instinct as Techno called it when Type told him.

"Ai'Type, face it. You have a weakness for poor defenseless stays," Techno had teased while Champ, who Type had warmed up to, nodded. "Case in point me and N'Tar."

Type had just slapped him in the back of the head but didn't deny it. Thinking of Tharn as a happy and sweet puppy made it easier for Type to be around the man. He still couldn't be touched by him but he no longer felt his skin crawl whenever the man was close. Another point for Tharn was that the man was a magnet for girls. Wherever he went, the man literally had them following him and drooling after him as if he was the male version of Aphrodite. Type was happy that he and Purfai broke up a long time ago, they barely lasted six months, or else he was sure that she would also fall prey to the other man's good looks.

"I don't know about that," on top of it all the man was also humble. He had just blushed and waved Type's words away when he teased him about it.

That was another point in his favor, Tharn was extremely down to earth and chill which kind of secretly annoyed Type because, 'who the hell is that perfect?!' That was something else that Type teased the man about and that Tharn constantly blushed at. All that to say, Type was fairly happy with how his third year was going.

He was assistant captain of the football team with Techno although the team feared and listened to him more, something that made his best friend pout. Type found it hilarious and couldn't help but smirk every time Ae would come to him with questions about certain plays or when Can came to him asking for permission for breaks or other things while Techno stood right next to him. Type was sure that the younger students did it on purpose because they knew how much it made Techno stomp and pout.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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