Surrounded by creeps

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Author's Note: Decided to post two chapters since I'm fairly ahead with this story. This should be the last chapter that focuses mainly on Tharn, the following chapters are going to have them both although they won't meet yet.


Tharn was almost seventeen when he learned the truth about their savior, the 'client' that loaned their father the money to get them out of their financial trouble and in the end helped save Thanya's life. He actually found out in the worst way possible. He had come home from school early and was looking forward to practicing a little -his parents had gotten him a practice drum pad while Lhong got his fancy drumsticks for his last birthday- he was so excited when he heard that his father was home which was strange since the man usually worked until late, almost always missing dinner. He sounded like he was talking to someone that Tharn didn't recognize so he assumed it was a client

"I told you not to come here," it did not sound like his father was happy about this visit.

Tharn snuck in to see who it was only to see the creepy man from a few years ago, the one that always made him feel like he had bugs crawling on his skin. He thought that they were rid of this man but he was wrong. The man still looked creepy but the last few years had added age and he did not age gracefully, in fact the man looked much worse, like the male version of a witch caricature.

"I still have time to pay it off!" His father exclaimed desperately.

"Let's be honest, you're not going to be able to make the amount you owe," the man sneered mockingly. His already ugly face distorted much worse, Tharn almost wanted to tell him not to do that because it was the thing of nightmares.

Then he proceeded to give an amount that made Tharn almost gasp and give himself away. Even when they were doing well, they couldn't make, let alone come across that amount so easily. Now it was even worse, it was impossible for his father to get that amount no matter how much time he was given unless he had years which he doubted the ugly man would give.

"What!? I didn't borrow that much!" His father exclaimed. "I pay off the last loan, I even have proof," Tharn silently rejoiced at his father for being smart enough to know that people like that could not be trusted.

"Yes well, there is the interest which is mounting."

'Bullshit!' Tharn thought with anger and a glare that he kind of hoped would burn the man alive.

"What interest? There was no mention of interest when I got either loan!" Tharn saw the creepy man walk over toward family photos then lick his lips.

'Eww! If he's looking at a picture of Thanya or mom...' Tharn could feel fury bubbling inside him. He was never an angry or vengeful person, he was more a forgive or forget kind of guy but this man brought something out of him.

"Is that son of yours still a cute little thing?" Nothing prepared Tharn for what the creepy man said.



Tharn and his father had the same thought except that the older man voiced it while Tharn simply thought it. "This is usually not done but because you were desperate and the money was to save your daughter, I will take your son as a reassurance," the creepy man offered as if he was being merciful and kind. "This way you will have all the time you need to pay off the loan and once you finish paying then your son will be returned to you."

'No, I won't,'

"No, he won't," again his father voiced Tharn's thoughts although the older man sounded furious while Tharn was sad and maybe even resigned to sacrifice himself for his family.

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