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𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 - 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙙?

💌 ;; you were going 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 now it's your 3rd day here.. You really like it here instead of other hellholes.
You went to the library and saw an guy with black hair and an book laying on he's head and has black glasses, black shirt, with white shorts, and has black horns or.. Fluffy ears?.. You can't tell what it is.

"Hi [NAME]!!" Engel made you snapped back again from your delulu mind. "G-gah..!" You yelped by him hugging you. You can't help but blushed. "A-ah.. " you stuttered "h-hey engel.. !"

"How are you?" You said as he pulled away "In an good mood!" He replied
"S-same.. " I stuttered. (("Gosh why am I so shy today.. ")) " h-hey have you seen sk-skell?.." I said again "yeah. He's in the library. Again. Why?" He replied "oh.. I just wanted to ask an question if he owned this .. " you showed an little skull thing that seems to be an skull-hairclip.

(( whatever it's called I don't know-..))

"Ohh! So thats why I din't see him wearing that today. But. Yeah he owned that. But I'm guessing that he's probably looking for it." He replied as he looks at the skull hairclip. "Oh.. Okay thanks.. Il just return this first. But see you later engel!" You waved at him as he waved back.

You went to the library to find him. You look everywhere but no sign of SKELL.. You went to the table where you met him and Ruby,Robby and Riley. But. He wasn't there but only Ruby and Riley
"Oh hello [NAME]!!.. " Ruby greeted you "are you looking for something?" She said again "oh.. I was -.. Jus-just looking for skell.. Engel said he was here but I couldn't find him... " you replied.
"Oh. skell. He was here earlier but he said he gotta go to the bathroom but.. he din't even come back. iTS been 30 minutes!" Ruby said.. Damn 30 minutes? . . "O-oh.. "

"But you should go to the bathroom and check on him. He's probably doing diffident instead that's why he din't even came back.. " ruby said again "o-okay ruby.. Thanks for the advice..!" You exit the library and went to the bathroom. But even in the bathroom he wasn't there.. So you went to the other bathroom! And.. Still have no sighs of Skell.. Damn it where could he be? Did he ran away from school. - you went to the lockers and .. Found him! "K-skell..?" You tapped him in the shoulder "ruby was looking for you but she said you dint come back.. Where were you?.. " you said again..

Skell was instantly silent.. As he glanced at you. You were confused about him. It was very quiet until.. Robby pushed you in The locker as Riley also pushed emo-skell in. Robby and Riley locked both of you in. "HEHEHEH-" Riley giggled out. "H-HEY!.. " you tried to convince them but no use. SKELL was.. Still silent. "Y-you!.. " you tried knocking but they both literally left you both.. Damn those ants! "H-ahh.. " your squeezed by how tiny the locker is and by skell who is literally more taller than you. The locker was... Very cold. The only noise that was making is your 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜

He finnally looked back at you.. "What are you even gonna say earlier.." He whispered "o-oh... Ruby was waiting for you in the library and she wanted me to check up on you if y-your okay.. " you stuttered again..its like you really can't talk properly and straight ahead. "W-why dint you come back..? W-were you having problems or something.. ?" You said again "just looking for my skull-like hairclip. That's all. " oh. Engel is right that he is really looking for the hairclip. "O-oh..! T-this?.. " you showed the skull-hairclip he was looking for.. He stared at it for an few seconds he raised he's black-claw hand and rested he's hand at yours. Damn he's very cold as the ice.. He pinned you against the locker wall you became red as how close he is.

♢ •' 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍  - 𝚏𝚙𝚎 ' • ♢Where stories live. Discover now