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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

🍦 ;; you din't ended up sleeping because last night. Traumatized you. But. Your still worried about skell's Wing being broken . But you din't know he could fly up. You find yourself pale just because you din't even slept. You still felt sick but. You think school is more important but sometimes an big pain in the ass. You felt having an dehydration. But. It's probably just your delulu mind. After walking into school . You. = forgot to eat breakfast. And now it leads you to hunger. Now you have to stay starving for the rest of your lives just because you don't even eat in the cafeteria.

You then began to study. Oh yeah. YOU MISSED LANGUEGE EXAM YESTERDAY. you hope miss. Thavel won't kill you. But why learning Germany is such an pain. Theres so many letters in just one easy word. -.. I then saw Kevin behind me. "What are you learning?" He asked. Which scare the crappy cats out of me. "U-uh.. Langueges..?" You answered. "What kind of languege?" He asked again.. "O-oh! Some.. Chinese stuff. " you replied to hes question. Your till complaining about Germany languege.

"Miss Thavel is sick today. She won't be coming you know. " Kevin said. Miss. Thavel.. SICK? YOU WASTED MY TIME TRYING TO REMEMBER ALL THESE RANDOM LANGUEGES? "Ooh.. " I said. Screaming in terror inside my lungs. "You should learn music class. It's somehow now hard." He said again. "Huh-.. But its kinda eas-" Kevin interrupted you by showing you the lesson in music.. 'What. The hell are these' :;((•﹏•๑)));: is your reaction.
"How in the Latinos can you even solve that.. -" I said. "I already knew this since before. But somehow I still din't fully understand. But somehow gets it."

Damn.. You tried finding the book of music just to know what on earth is that. "mister.demi will be giving an quiz today too. " Kevin said. Quiz? Okay now your no longer staying alive. You started to panic. What if you fail? You never wanted to fail for the first time in this school! This gives you the heart attacks "woah woah! Chill out! Some are easy anyway! And it's just 300 questions. " he said. "YEAH BUT 300 QUESTIONS ?! MOST OF THEM ARE PROBABLY ALSO HARD!!" You said loudly. (Not loudly actually) you panic more and more. It's just pain.

"Oh please. Dont worry. Mister demi dosent even kill an student when they fail or eat them. No need to panic. And besides. You still have time to learn about it!" Kevin eyes widened when your shivering to much of panic. "I'm gonna fail.. MY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.. I'M GONNA BE STUCK HERE FOREVER..!" You said. "Dont be dramatic. Besides. Just learn the lessons in the books so you can have time to understand it., " the class bell rang. "Well. Guess its time to go back in class. Ill see you later in recess. " Kevin left you. You then stand up your legs shaking violently you can't even walk properly..

After coming back in class..

𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 ; 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴. >:3

it was the end of miss circle, miss bloomie, miss Sasha's classes. Now. It's time for music class. But your in the library trying to understand the lesson. And these mixed your thoughts and memories up as you were stuck there trying to understand how to solve. It's an big BIG pain in your brain. The class bell rang again. THATS IT. Your skipping classes again! You don't are what they're think there is tommorow anyway for you anyway!.. You hide in the storage room so no one can find or scold you. Not even the teachers come in here so you pray the angels for your safety. You studied at the storage room like an rat hiding from an big cat.

After 1 hour 46 minutes 34 seconds. 8 kiloseconds. Your still in the storage room. You then heard the door opened. Oh no. Your dead meat.. You hide yourself in the box which is filled with instruments.. You beg for your own life for the cupids and angels. Wait why on earth are you praying to the cupids instead.. - the box you were hiding in opened.. You yelped in suprised. you saw mister. Demi.. "[NAME]?!.. wh-what are y-you doing h-here..?" He stuttered. An emberassing memory for you to remember just JUST GREAAAAAT!

"U-uhh.. " you sweated in literal super-duper-omega-flex panic or emberassment. "I-im just.. Uh.. Looking for something!" You chuckles akwardky. ((And it's so realistic wow not literally made up!)) "In my.. Instruments?" He said.. Wait.. These are hes instruments.. "U-uhh. F-FINE I WAS HIDING BECAUSE OF THE QUIZ..!" You admitted. Hes eyes widen an little more. "I'm sorry! I just don't wanna fail!.." You admitted again.. Hes eyes went back to normal now.. "Its okay to fail [NAME] .. But that dosent mean you have to hide over here.. " he chuckled lightly and leans down.. But when you both just know..

(( chippet_stars your welcome./no problem ))

An fluffy ball was about to fall off it's shelf. It then hitted mister. Demi's head which caused him to lose an bit of balance and the fluffy ball bounces again and it pushed mister demi as.. Your both lips pressed to each other. You were suprised.. You turned into scarlet red as you saw mister demi accidentally kissing you in the lips. Hes 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙄𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝.. After 10 seconds he pulled away an little bit. Your both strings of saliva are still somehow connected to each other's mouths. (( just like alice >:3 ))

Your mouth started bleeding and was about to passed out anytime soon. "S-sorry!!.." He APOLAGIZED. But you din't care if that's an accident. What you care is about the kiss. You wanted that to be on purpose. Only if mister. Demi or you are horny though~.. You would've suck each other's mouths any time soon..

(( lemon next chapter 💅😘🥰😍 ))
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Kevin 14%, mister demi 167% (BOOST TIME 👺)

➥ 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝘿𝙎 ; 1030

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