Part II: Darkness

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A QUICK DEDICATION TO ELLA4713 FOR EVERYTHING SHE'S DONE. The votes, comment's, fanning, etc. Thank you so much Ella, you have no idea how much that mean's to me. :)

Enjoy the chapter! :)


Walking into the Portal one-by-one, Claire slowly walk's toward's the center, standing in a circle with everyone else. Sherry bite's the bottom of her lip, glancing at everyone standing their eying everything around them. James sigh's loudly as he shrug's his shoulder's. Ada patiently standing their, her red dress flowing with the wind.

"So, what the hell are we supposed to do? I thought it was gonna take us somewhere." James spit's out as he aim's his machine gun into the air. Ada smirks to herself as she put's a hand on her hip's.

"It's gonna take a few minutes, but if I were you guy's," Ada removes her glasses slipping them in her holster," I'd get ready."

Everyone look's at her with a questioning look, quickly grabbing hold of their weapon's they take aim looking all around them.

"What exactly are we supposed to getting ready for?" Carlos question's as he glances behind him.

The Portal from the outside begins to dim, the blue light streaming into the sky begin's flickering. The light begins to fade and dimmer as it disappears. A few seconds of flickering pass by. A low buzzing white noise fill's up everyone's ear's, slowly increasing volume shattering their hearing. Everyone quickly let's their weapon's drop to the ground as they cover their ear's. Screaming out for each other, a little trickle of blood stream's out from in between their finger's, flowing down their arm's and dripping onto the ground. Slowly sinking to the ground, closing their eyes tightly. The Portal lights shoot up into the sky. Disappearing in the cloudy night sky.

The white noise immediately stop's, gasping for air they blink a few time's looking around. Slamming their hand's on the ground, everyone notices the droplet's of blood on the ground and the line of blood on their arm's. Looking around they see someone still standing up watching them all with a grim smile.

"Ada? Why the hell didn't you warn us that shit was gonna happen!?" James groan's out loud as he slowly get's up. Wiping away the blood on him, he let's out a grunt. Carlos giving her an evil glare, she smile's to herself as she raises her hand to her ear.

"What did you say? I can't hear you?" She chuckles to herself as she pulls out two ear bud's from her ear's. Dropping them to the ground, everyone else get's up groaning. The white light surrounding them begin's to fade away. Looking around aimlessly, darkness begins to absorb them. Standing their in the eerie dark silence, they all one-by-one turn on the flashlight at the end of their gun.

Shining the flashlight's in every which way, they immediately see large rock pillar's surrounding them. Pitch black surrounding them entirely, nothing in sight. 

"Do you guy's hear that?" Lisa nervously ask's, bumping into Carlos she let's out a small yelp. Chuckling nervously to herself, he give's her an annoyed look. Walking backward's away from him, she screams as she trip's over something falling to the ground. Quickly getting herself back up Lisa shine's her light at the object she fell over.

"Oh, my god. Carlos, Sherry!" Lisa bellow's as she cover's her mouth. Sherry and Carlos along with everyone else scurries toward's her. Looking down at the ground they see Jill. Their eye's all widen in shock. Sherry quickly rushes to her aid, calling out her name.

"Jill! Jill, are you okay? Jill!" With no reply, Sherry lift's Jill's head on her lap. Claire shine's her light around furiously calling out for Chris.

"Chris! Are you out their! Chrisss!" Claire begin's to walk walk away from the group huddling over Jill. Keeping the light on the ground ahead of her, her light begin's to fade away into the dark away from the other's. The sound of her stepping on dried leaf's, echoing through her mind. 

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