Part Nine, Sick in Bed

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Chapter Fourteen
    I skipped school the rest of the week. I kept the doggy door locked and my shotgun loaded by the door. I had a company come out to install cameras around the house so I could see what's happening outside from my tv. I checked the screen before I let the dogs in or out, or when I needed to bring in firewood.

Dan kept calling and I would tell him I just had a virus. He was getting suspicious, I could tell. But I could not go back to school.

It was Saturday morning when Mr. Woof came to visit us again. He came inside with Jake and Sammy.

    "Mr. Woof, I missed you so much! You're the only one I can talk too that will actually listen. I wish you were a man, Mr. Woof, because I would marry you just for that reason, somebody to talk to and comfort me when I'm down. And Mr. Woof, I have been so far down, I can't get up again."

I sat on the floor and cuddled into his thick, white fur. My dogs sat at my feet.

"You three guys are my only friends. I am so alone and so scared. Let me make you boys some steaks and then we'll talk. You know Mr. Woof, I haven't told anybody about you. Because they would think I'm crazy, a friendly, lovable big white Wolf. That listens to my problems and comforts me. Who would believe that? I can hardly believe it myself. If only you were a man. We could run away together and never look back. I love you, Mr. Woof, and Jake and Sammy, I love you guys too."
So I make up three large steaks and sit back in a chair to tell Mr. Woof my troubles.

"You see, Mr. Woof, it all started with this rich bully at school. I'm pretty sure his family is part of organized crime. Anyway, he said if I told anyone what he did to me, he would kill Dan and my dogs.
Mr. Woof looks up from his steak and growls.
"Are you ok, Mr. Woof? Did I say something to upset you? Maybe you want more steak? I have plenty. When you finish, I can make more."
"Anyway, this punk has made me his sex slave. He makes me do unspeakable things to him. He popped my cherry with such brutality, I could hardly walk when he got done. He first confronted me at the Halloween party, where he took liberties with me and lied to Dan to cover it up. He has since surprised me by coming through the doggy door. Which is why I keep it locked now and had cameras installed all around the house. He makes me suck his dick and he even fucked me in my butt. He's cruel and heartless and he laughs at me. He makes me call him sir, and he beat me terribly with his belt. Look Mr. Woof."
I raised up my top and pulled my pants down to show Mr. Woof the strap marks. He got visibly upset and ran to the door growling to be let out.
"Don't you want to stay a while, Mr. Woof? I can make you another steak. I really don't mind. I'm sorry if I upset you."

Mr. Woof continues to growl and scratch at the door.

"Ok, I will see you later I guess. Thank you for stopping by to see us Mr. Woof."

And at full speed he raced across the yard, jumped the fence and was gone.

"I wish Mr. Woof had stayed a while, boys. Can you boys cuddle with me for a while. I feel so scared and lonely."

I layed on the rug in front of the fireplace with my dogs. They cuddled up close to me for a long winter's nap.

Chapter Fifteen,
It's Sunday morning, a super loud pounding on my door alerts my dogs and me. I quickly turn on my tv cameras to see two police officers at my door. So I open it to speak with them.

    "Can I help you, officers?"

    "We hate to bother you, ma'am but a body has been found in the area and we believe he may have been killed by a woof of some kind. We are trying to alert people of the possible presence of a woof in this area. You need to be very careful when you leave your home."

    "Yes sir, I will be careful. Do they know who it is?"

    "It's's still an ongoing investigation, Miss. listen to your local news. When we know something, we will inform the public. You have a good day, ma'am."

    Now I'm really scared, what if it's Dan? What if Joey had him killed so he could have me all to himself?"

I quickly grab my phone and call Dan. He answers on the first ring.

"Dan, thank God you're ok."

    "Why wouldn't I be. What's wrong, Mary!"

    "The police found a dead body, no identity yet. I was so afraid it was you."

    "Why would you assume it's me, Mary."

    "I didn't assume it was you, Danny, I just needed to be sure it wasn't you"

    "Is there something you're not telling me, Mary? And when are you coming back to school? You have a lot of work to catch up on. Were you really that sick, Mary? Have you seen a doctor?"

    "Dan, I have to hang up, now. I'll talk to you later."

    "Mary, wait" Click

    I listen to the radio all day for any news updates on the murder. Finally at nine in the evening they give the name of the victim, Joey Depitro. I am in total shock but also relieved to know he's dead. He can't hurt me anymore! I'm free of him. Thank God!

My phone ring, it's Dan,

    "Mary, did you hear the news."

    "Yes, Dan, I am in shock that it's someone from our school."

    "Is that the only reason, Mary?"

    "What are you talking about? I barely knew the guy."

    "Well, are you coming back to school tomorrow?"

    "Yes, Dan, I feel one hundred percent better now."

    "That's good, Mary. You don't know how happy I am to hear that." I will see my girl tomorrow then. Bye, Mary."

    "Bye Dan"

    I am shaking and crying with relief that he's dead. I don't care how or why he's dead. I can now go back to living a normal life. Well, as normal as I can. I will have scars the rest of my life from that monster. I don't know if I will ever be able to have a normal life, with a normal man, ever again.
I can't stop sobbing into my hands as I rock back and forth on the floor. The boys are trying to comfort me by licking me and rubbing up against me.

    "Boys, let's do something we haven't been able to do in a while." Let's hitch up the sleigh and go joy riding through the snow. Are you game, boys?"
They run excited to the door and I unlock the doggy door at last. Joey is dead! I can live again!
We raced through the hills and dales, kicking up sparkles of snow flying all around us. I am so happy. I feel so free. Finally we get home and I shut the gate, release my dogs and park the sleigh out back under a tarp.

I'm coming around the house when I see;  "Woofy, you're back! I sit down in the snow and hug my woof. We are so happy to see each other.
"We have to get you inside, Mr Woof. The authorities are looking for a woof to pin a murder on."

We hurried inside and I shut and locked the doors.

    "Now listen carefully, Mr. Woof, a very bad man was recently killed and the authorities believe it was by a woof. You must stay hidden at all times. I will not have you going down for the likes of that piece of human garbage. You can come here whenever you want but it would be best if you just left the territory for a while. Maybe head up North to be with more of your own kind."
I hope you can understand me. I talk to you all of the time and it appears you actually listen. But I don't know for sure. I hope you understand. I don't want anything to happen to you.

    Mr. Woof spent the night with us. In the morning he was gone again. I hope he's heading up North.

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