II. Shy Yet Intrigued

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After savoring a few blissful sips together, Elizabeth felt a sudden, urgent pressure in her belly. She recognized the telltale signs; her bladder demanded immediate relief.

"Oh, Grandma! I really need to use the bathroom. Could you show me where it is?" asked Elizabeth, feeling bashful but also quite desperate.

"Of course dear," replied her grandmother kindly. "right over there. The new outhouse includes a flushing toilet, so don't worry, no more dirty water or smelly pits. Just push the button, and everything goes away!"

"Thank you, I have to go!" said Elizabeth, eager to relieve herself. She dashed off towards the outhouse, leaving her grandmother smiling fondly at the sight of her grandchild's youthful energy.

As Elizabeth's grandmother made her way back to the main house, Elizabeth's hopes for sweet relief were abruptly halted by an unexpected encounter with two boys in her age.

"Hello there, Miss," greeted one of them, looking shy yet intrigued by Elizabeth's presence. His eyes were drawn to her delicate features and the soft fabric of her dress clinging to her curves.

Elizabeth's legs instinctively crossed, desperately attempting to contain the impending waterfall that surged within her body. In response to the boys' greeting, she managed a feeble smile, her face turning crimson with embarrassment.

"Hi, um, hi. My name is Elizabeth. I'm visiting my grandparents," she stammered nervously.

Norman and Calvin exchanged glances, both taken aback by Elizabeth's stunning appearance. Their hearts raced with anticipation as they watched her struggle to maintain composure while standing before them.

"We're brothers, Norman and Calvin Darcy. We live nearby," introduced Norman, trying his best not to stare too obviously at Elizabeth's exposed thighs and feet.

Calvin quickly added, "Our parents work on the farm next door. They told us you were coming, but we didn't expect someone so beautiful!"

Elizabeth blushed even deeper upon hearing such compliments from these handsome strangers. But the urgency in her pelvis continued to grow stronger.

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