Chapter 8: Wonder

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A little disclaimer:

The characters belong to their own respective owner. The only thing I own is the plot and a few OCs here and there.

Now, on to the story...

One day, as Percy is swimming through the palace corridors, lost in thought, he overhears a hushed conversation between two palace guards. Intrigued, he listens in, trying to make sense of their cryptic words.

"It's happening sooner than we expected," one guard whispers urgently to the other. "We need to warn the queen before it's too late."

Percy's curiosity piqued, he follows the guards discreetly, keeping to the shadows as they make their way to the queen's chambers. He hesitates for a moment, unsure if he should intervene, but ultimately decides to trust his instincts and investigate further.

As he approaches the queen's chambers, Percy hears raised voices and the sound of shuffling footsteps from within. Steeling himself, he pushes open the door and steps inside, his heart pounding in his chest.

To his surprise, he finds Queen Amphitrite locked in a heated argument with a group of palace advisors, their faces twisted with concern and fear. They seem unaware of Percy's presence as they continue to debate in hushed tones, their voices growing louder with each passing moment.

"What are they arguing about?" Percy wonders, his curiosity piqued.

Before he can intervene, however, the queen notices his presence and gestures for him to approach. Percy hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to do, but ultimately obeys her command and steps forward.

"Perseus, I'm glad you're here," the queen says, her voice strained with tension. "There's something I need to tell you, something urgent."

Percy's heart races as he listens to the queen's words, his mind reeling with the implications of what she's saying. As he struggles to come to terms with the shocking revelation, he realizes that his world is about to change in ways he never could have imagined.

And as he prepares to face the challenges ahead, Percy knows that he must stay strong and true to himself, no matter what obstacles lie in his path. For the fate of Atlantis and all who dwell within its walls rests in his hands, and he will stop at nothing to protect his kingdom and those he loves.













Sorry about the length and quality but the rest of the chapters are created with the help of AI:)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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