The Beginning Of It All

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Disclaimer: I only own the plot and a few OCs.... the rest belong to their own authors....sadly..

Now, on to the story.

School... what a fun place. There's mortals, flying letters, and teachers that are trying to kill you. If you haven't figured out that i was being sarcastic, you must be a genius. And if you haven't found anything weird about my sentence you must be a very smart person. Again i was being sarcastic. Mortals, or humans as people call 'em. I'm not one of them. well, i'm not fully mortal. My dad is the king of the sea. Not in a 'surfer guy' kinda way... the 'God of the sea Poseidon' kinda way.

"No way! Poseidon is only a myth!"

You might think that but, Gods are real and sometimes they sneak into mortal's world and have children with mortals. The childrens are what you call Demigods. And not surprisingly I am one of them. It's crazy how the world works. I mean just look at the clueless mortals unaware of the world outside of their own. A place where monsters doesn't hide under the beds or inside the closets. Where turning 13 is something to celebrate because of its rarity. A world where having Gods as your cousin and brother are really normal. Just look at me, being the son of one of the big three i have a lot of Gods as my cousins and siblings. And don't even get me started on the grandparents. My grandfather is... well, evil. And very much dead killed by yours truly, me and other half-bloods. Demigods train and live like warriors since they were quite young. We live in a safe camp literally called 'Camp Half-blood' or 'CHB' for short. Although that camp is for the Greeks, the Roman also exist and they live in 'Camp Jupiter'. Don't even ask me about how i know them. It's a long and complicated story thanks to a certain Goddess. But, that's all in the past now. I was young and naive back then at the age of 14. Now i'm at the edge of my teenager days at 19.

We defeated Gaea two years ago. I also broke up with my wise girl Annabeth almost two months ago. Well, it was her fault for cheating on me with my step brother Jack. What else could i say? That guy appeared one day out of the blue and was claimed by my own father Poseidon. Apparently he was born before the agreement by the big three just like the D'Angelos. Jackieboy was cursed by someone who he said he couldn't remember and stopped aging at 17. He then stayed at the Lotus Casino for years until the spell wears off and a satyr found him and brought him to CHB. Upon seeing him, Annabeth must've been cast under some kind of spell. Because the moment their eyes met, she was no longer my wise girl. She was the bastard who cheated on her boyfriend with his own brother. But no worries, i've moved on and so did she. My friends defended me when Annabeth and Jack spread baseless rumors around about me and my family to the whole camp. Now, being hated on and bullied is an everyday occurrence for me. Chiron was a huge help for my depression and loneliness. There were times where i don't even leave my cabin. Not even for food. But, recently i've been going out for food and quests. Or maybe train when nobody is using the training area. I still swim in the sea and lake from time to time. Dad still talk to me when he have time to spare from his duties as a king and God. He told me how he was ashamed of having Jack as a son and he also told me how all the other God and Goddess in Olympus despise Jack. Aphrodite tried to break Jack and Annabeth apart but she ended up failing. Athena seemed upset all the time and was creepily nice to me lately. The weirdest one is Zeus, he hasn't tried to fry me to nothingness ever since dirt face or Gaea was defeated.

My biggest problem however was still Tartarus. I used to cure my nightmare by sleeping next to Annabeth, but she's been unavailable for awhile now... What funny is that my nightmares are still about me losing Annabeth down there... Which is just sad because i lost here in my reality so i shouldn't even be afraid.. I was always screaming at night ever since the breakup. I think that's why the camp hated me even more because i was disturbing their sleep. Nico my dearest cousin always check on me at night even if he thought i was not aware of the lurking shadows. I sometimes feel sorry for him because he has to witness all of the suffering i went through... i could only imagine how bad he felt not being able to do anything to help lessen my pain. I wish he doesn't beat himself for it...

One day, Chiron called me to the big house saying that i need to know something important. As i was walking toward the big house to meet my teacher, Jack and some of his followers from the Aphrodite cabin came to me and started apologizing. I was confused and scared at the same time. After he started saying how sorry he was for stealing Annabeth and that she dumped him because she was still in love with me i realized something was seriously wrong. So, i did the only reasonable thing which is run back to my cabin. It so happen that i forgot to bring my cabin report that i must submit to Mr. D as a cabin leader so it was killing two birds with one stone. As i entered my cabin, i noticed something strange shining under my bed so i did the most reasonable thing, i bent down to grab said thing. Unfortunately, when i was reaching for the glowing thing, i failed to realise the fact that someone entered my cabin. When my hands were a few inches from touching it, the said thing moved in lightning speed and knocked me out, it hit me on the head so hard that i didn't notice some Aphrodite camper injecting me with some potion. As soon as i pass out, my dreams consumed me. And of course i had a Demigod dream where Kronos, Gaea, and Tartarus was together plotting something bad for me. About 3 minutes later, i woke up with cold sweats and a killer headache. I moved to my bed and decided to once again let the realm of Morpheus to lull me in.

While sleeping i totally forgot about Chiron and the big house. So when a sugar rushed burning Latino elf came running into my cabin and started jumping on my bed i was beyond shocked. I accidentally drenched half of camp with the lake water. It was so weird because even after staring intently at the elf's face i still couldn't tell who he was. It was even weirder when he started calling me little kid. And i was sure i'm bigger than the burning man-boy and older for sure.

"Where's Percy little kid?" he asked and i was so confused.

"I am Percy." I walked past him and open my closet just to be lifted up by the still unknown guy as he ran toward the big house where Chiron usually is. Upon our arrival, almost every leader of each cabin was there. It was like they were expecting someone to show up. The latino guy put me down near the entrance and only as Chiron in his wheelchair came to me that i realised how strong the burning elf must've been to carry him all the way to the big house.

"Leo?" Annabeth called out to the elf and i finally figured out that his name is Leo.

"Who is this new camper?"  asked Clarisse as she knelt down near where i was.

'New? What is she talking about?' i looked at Chiron hopefully wishing that they were all joking.

"Oh dear, Percy what have you done?"  After hearing Chiron call my name i perked up and hugged him tightly with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

'Wait what?' i quickly pulled away and stared at him emotionlessly hoping to get rid of the tears.

"No one else has such beautiful yet sorrowful eyes other than you Percy. Yes it is sad but it is also the truth my dear boy." Well, the sea green was from Poseidon himself. But, as far as i know i am the only Poseidon kid who have the same eye color as the God himself. Even Triton have a different shade of eyes.

"What do you mean he's Percy?"














Well, that is all for the first chapter!! i'll try to update as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy the story and I am sorry for any mistakes as English is not my first language... See you on the next update!

xoxo, M

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