Chapter 3: The Dreaded Moment

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A little disclaimer:

The characters belong to their own respective owner. The only thing I own is the plot and a few OCs here and there.

Now, on to the story...

They arrived at the palace riding Triton's personal carriage. As soon as the carriage stopped, the guards opened the door and bowed at the royal family member.

"Your Highness. King Poseidon and Queen Amphitrite have been waiting for you since the morning in the dining chamber."

Triton nodded and pulled Percy's hand toward the direction of the dining chamber before Percy could have any second thoughts and run away. Percy couldn't do anything but let himself be pulled by the 1000 times stronger Triton.

"Wait for me brothers." Yelled Tyson. Triton could only smile and kept on swimming towards the direction of his father and mother. He couldn't help but smile at Percy's scrunched up face that shows just how much he's dreading meeting father. Although in Triton's opinion, the only thing Percy should be afraid of is being doted on by their father to death.

"Maybe...Just maybe... what if.." Percy looked at Triton with his baby seal eyes that no one can deny. But unfortunately for Percy, Triton's will was stronger now that they're a couple feet away from the dining chamber.

"No escaping this time Perseus. You have to tell our father of your... circumstances... And besides, " Triton smirked.

"We're here." Percy could only curse his half-brother's ability to swim faster than normal merman. Triton squeezed Percy's hand in reassurance as he pushes open the door to the dining chamber. Percy hid behind his older brother hoping that their father wouldn't realize he was there.

"Well if it isn't the long-awaited sleeping beauty." A voice familiar to the half-blood prince boomed out with a tone only could be described as sarcasm and amusement.

"What makes you say that father?" Replied Triton in the same tone that the first voice use.

"You are late Triton. That is behaviour suitable for the future ruler of the sea. And not telling me beforehand, are you trying to rebel in this age?" Scolded the only female in that room.

"I'm sorry mother. It will not happen again. But, it was all for a good reason...Perc-" Triton couldn't even finish his sentence before their father, Poseidon butt right in.

"Percy? Your brother? What about him?" Poseidon smiled just from hearing his son's name got Percy all scared and worried. Percy couldn't help but stepped out of his brother's shadow.

"Hey, dad..." Percy smiled but faltered at his father's shocked look.

"i...Per..bu..but how? Why are you here Percy? Is that really you? Why do you look like that? Is someone bothering you? How long are you staying? You're not hurt, right? You know you can always ask me for help right? Do you need me to make someone disappear? Because I'll do it if it is what you want and need. Per-" Again butting in seems like the common theme in the family, for now, Amphitrite has started speaking as well.

"Poseidon dear. You need to let the boy speak." Amphitrite smiled sweetly at Percy for the first time in forever (at least to Percy at that moment). 

  "You must've been scared with your father's sudden outburst. Come sit, let's talk after eating breakfast."  Smiled Amphitrite.

//Line break//

"So Percy, would you mind telling us what happened?" Asked Poseidon this time calmer than before. But although Poseidon was being as nice and comforting as he could, Percy could still feel the jitters from his father's previous outburst and couldn't muster up the courage to actually tell him what happened. But thankfully he had Triton by his side the whole time comforting and reassuring him. With all the strength he could gather, he finally starts telling his father and Amphitrite. He almost finished half his story when he saw his father's angered expression and began to become worried. Seeing as Percy stopped talking, Poseidon straighten his expression and smiled at Percy encouraging him to continue on with his story. Finally, between all the interruption from both Poseidon and Amphitrite plus Triton adding on a few details here and there, Percy finally finished his story. To be honest, he was expecting accusing stares from both of the Gods in front of him. But what he got in return was a surprising sad look and soft smiles.

"Oh Percy my son, I'm so sorry you had to go through such horrendous experience... I should've been there when you needed me the most... And that bastard! He shall pay! He's no son of mine and I'll make sure everyone knows that!" Finished Poseidon with such anger Percy could actually feel an island being sunk.

"Percy... I know in this state you must've thought we never got along but... I honestly think you're a good guy that deserves more than the way they treated you on the surface... You are always welcome here. Stay as long as you want. This palace is also yours after all." Added Amphitrite with a little smirk in the end.

Not knowing how to react, Percy just sat there frozen in shock. Being the worried brother he is, Triton wraps an arm around Percy's shoulder. A comforting move that Percy absolutely appreciate. 

After eating breakfast and Percy telling his story to everyone, Amphitrite ordered one of the guards to bring Percy to his room so that he could find time to rest and adjust to the royal life.

Percy is a simple boy born in a poor family with just enough money to survive. He never had the luxury to buy new releases and expensive products. So imagine his surprise when he saw where he was gonna sleep in for the rest of his stay in the kingdom. His room was the definition of his dream room with a high ceiling with white columns holding the roof like the ones in Olympus. His wallpaper was screens showing him real-time footage of the oceans around him. A soft baby blue carpet was under his foot and a slightly large footrest was resting at the end of his water bed. The bathroom was also on another level. If Percy was being truthful, he would've admitted that he loved the bathroom the most. It was a mix of modern and traditional Greek with the dominant colour being white and blue. And honestly, when he was falling asleep, a thought entered his mind that things were starting to get better for him. 

Oh, if only he didn't jinx it...













I AM TERRIBLY SORRY!!!!! I was just busy with senior year and I had decided to wait until my practical exams were over before updating a new chapter... But, now I'm back! although this was a short chapter i hope you enjoyed it. Again, i'm sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language. Please give me comments about what i should improve...(nicely please) Well, let's meet again when i update the next chapter!


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