Chapter 2: One big family

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A little disclaimer:

The pictures are not mine by any means. So, credit to the creators.

The characters belong to their own respective owner. The only thing i own is the plot and a few OCs here and there.

Now, on to the story....

Later that night, Percy tried his hardest to sleep but he couldn't sleep a wink even with Tyson sleeping next to him and Triton's appointed guard who is a dolphin called Whistley guarding him. He couldn't help but think about facing his own father tomorrow. Inside his head, scenarios after scenarios kept on playing. Most of them ended up with his father's disappointment and anger. Percy couldn't stop wondering about the amount of islands that are going to be drowned tomorrow.

After tossing and turning for hours, Tyson finally had enough of his brother's nervousness and pulled the now 4 times smaller guy into a spooning position.

"Just relax little-big brother. Father wouldn't even dream of being angry at you. Sure, he'll be shocked but he will get over it and soon he'll return to his usual shenanigan of loving his favorite son."

Tyson smiled at his big brother's futile attempt of trying to release himself from his hug.

"In fact, instead of getting angry, he probably will be so worried of his 'baby' that he'll lock you up in the palace where he can keep an constant eye on you."

Percy was grateful that listening to Tyson's little speech has lessen his worries. But he still couldn't quite believe all of his words. He fell asleep with that thought replaying in his mind.

The day Percy has dreaded has officially started with Triton's annoyingly on time knock on the door.

"If you're not opening this door in 5 seconds, i'm bringing father here Perseus. I am not joking around."

With a loud sigh and a bit of groan Percy finally gathered all of his soul and opened the door.

"Triton... why are you here so early?"

Percy walked with one destination in his mind. The kitchen.

"EARLY? You're a prince for Gods sake Percy. Your duty includes waking up early to attend to your assignments. Which include going to the palace to meet father today. Regardless of his response."

Last night's dread started to climb it's way back into Percy's head with the reminder of meeting his father. He began thinking about backing out but before he could come up with a good enough lie , Tyson swan into the living room and smiled at the two brothers.

"You're here big brother.."

Tyson went to hug Triton but before he could make it, Percy's alarm rang and shocked the three princes.

"I believe it is time for breakfast in the palace. Lord Poseidon will be looking for the two of you any minutes now. Lord Triton and Tyson"

This time Whistley was the one who spoke up waking the three of them up from the stunned state they were in.

"I think we should head back before the entire fleet look for us."

Triton sighed as he thinks about their father's protective side.

"What about me? Do i need to go with you guys? Won't Amphy be mad if I just barge in without any prior notice? I mean she does hate me. And dad will probably get angry looking at my current pathetic circumstances... And then breakfast is ruin. So I don't think I should come to the palace just yet... I me-"

Percy's rambled got cut short when Tyson hugged him.

"Big brother... You're rambling again... Don't be nervous and come with us. Let's go home yeah?"

Tyson looked at Percy straight in the eyes as he smiled brightly.

"But Perseus... I don't think Mother will appreciate being called Amphy... Let's not agitate her just yet."

Triton frowned disapprovingly at his brother's nickname for his mother.

"It's Percy... and okay I won't call her that."

At least not for today... Percy smirked. But his amusing thought was cut short when Whistley pushed him through the doors and into his room to get ready for breakfast at the palace. Everything went quite fast for him that he didn't have the time to worry about his father's reaction.

Whistley made sure he wore the best outfit he had in his closet so that he would look more like a royalty and less a human. Whistley made sure Percy was not complaining so that they can finish getting ready in record breaking speed. As they were about to finish, Triton barged into Percy's room impatiently.

"Perseus we are going to be late... Well, later than we already was if you don't hu.... Wow." Triton was rendered rather speechless with what he saw inside of Percy's room.

"Perseus.. You look so much like father. The resemblance is rather frightening to be honest." Percy was wearing a white Chiton and a sapphire colored Himation over it with a small crown over his head that brings out the colour of his eyes. He look so much like a younger, more baby-ish Poseidon that when Tyson walked in he was confused for a while as to why his father was in his brother's room. It was only when Percy smiled to him that he realized who was standing there.

"Little-big brother... Why are you dressing up like father? It is not Halloween yet." Percy could only laugh at Tyson's and Triton's comment.

"Well you could blame Whistley on that." Percy pointed at the dolphin standing politely behind him.

"Lord Perseus is Lord Poseidon's son. I was only making him look the part." The butler smiled as he look at his masterpiece standing merely feets away from him. He can't help but think that young master Perseus was going to be a rather fine prince of the sea. Even better than Lord Triton if he dared say.

"Well let's hurry before the entire fleet arrived." Smiled Percy as he swim towards his door leaving the two stunned brothers in his room with Whistley.












Well, that's it for today's update... i'm sorry for the short update and the long period of breaks.. I was too busy with school and personal stuff. I'm really sorry for all the errors in the grammars etc, but English is still not my number one language. (And it's not helpful that i'm not even that fluent in my first language..) I'll update as soon i finish the next chapter. 


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