The appearance of the Six winged Angel: part 1(ch1)

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Chapter 1
"The appearance of the Six winged Angel: part 1"

It's been a full year since Oliver Williams was brought to this horrible new world, Atleast that was Oliver's point of view and it's the way he looked at this world due to the horrible things that had happened since he was sent to this new fantasy world.

Oliver had decided to take the path of a hunter and had registered as a hunter. it's been a full year since Oliver was an F rank hunter ,in most cases hunters train and develop their skills into a certain level and raising their ranks but it was a different case for Oliver as he was an F rank for a whole straight year he was made fun of  among other hunters for being weak

As a lowly f rank hunter, he was forced to do the most dangerous and poorly paid jobs, leaving him with barely enough money to survive, jobs such as patrolling remote areas, and even disposing monster remainings after a rough battle between monsters and hunters.

Speaking about the issue of low income levels the situation had forced Oliver to rent a place in the stables,it was not a pleasant place to rent as the place was often dark,cramped and smelly the place was  away from the streets and marketplaces so it took hours for Oliver to walk from the stables to the hunter's association edifice for quests ,his clothes were in tattered and worn,his stomach often empty and he was plagued by nightmares of the horrors he had faced in his duties.

(At the Stable yard)

The hunter, Oliver, slowly rose to his feet, the cold stone floor beneath him a constant reminder of his humble living conditions. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion, the dark circles beneath them a testament to the restless sleep he'd had. As he gathered his belongings, his body trembled with fatigue, but his resolve remained strong. With his equipment in hand, he began the long trek to the hunter's association edifice, the tall spires of the building rising above the city skyline. The morning sun cast a pale light over the cobbled streets, and Oliver's footsteps echoed through the quiet city

"I wonder what Kevin and the others are doing and I wonder how is mom doing it's been a whole year since I've been in this crazy world" Oliver thought to himself

As the hunter made his way through the narrow streets of the city, his thoughts turned to his mother. He wondered how she was faring, if she had enough food to eat, if she was safe and warm. His own needs felt trivial in comparison, He kept his gaze fixed on the cobblestones beneath his feet, his footsteps heavy with weariness. The streets were empty, the only sounds the distant sounds of city life. He felt a deep sense of loneliness and isolation, despite being surrounded by the bustling metropolis.
By thinking about "Kevin and the others" he had thought about his former teammates who he had worked with in his past life they were a group of archivist studying about history.

"I won't stop trying to find ways on returning to my own world but in order for that to happen I need to raise my rank I might get clues in the future "he further thought to himself as he continued walking , he was getting closer and closer to his destination.

The hunter's association building was a massive edifice, its towering walls rising high above the surrounding streets. The large hall was filled with hunters milling about, haggling and arguing over various matters As Oliver entered, the murmurs of the other hunters quieted, and all eyes turned to him. The gazes of the other hunters were full of disdain, their voices dripping with scorn. They whispered and jeered among themselves,

"That's the F rank hunter Oliver"

"I heard he has been an F rank for the whole year"

"Will he ever give up,he will certainly get killed by monsters and Chaoses soon"

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