Advanced training (ch7)

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Chapter 7
"Advanced training (1)"

[Rivers Rest village; located at the base Mount sierra; Edwin's House]
(12 Am at midnight)
All three of them had returned from the plain fields by the top of the mountain to Rivers rest village, it was midnight, Oliver sat at a desk, an ink pen in hand, writing feverishly by the light of a single candle. The flickering flame cast strange shadows on the walls, but he paid them no mind. His mind was focused on the task at hand. As an archivist in his previous life, he had learned a lot about mythical creatures and monsters, and he was determined not to forget any of it.

Oliver's pen moved quickly across the paper, and as he wrote, and thinking to himself . "Let's start with the basilisk," he said to himself as he was starting to write down

. "A powerful serpent-like creature with the ability to turn people to stone with its gaze. It's said to be so dangerous that even a reflection of its gaze can be deadly, Kevin always mentioned this monster ." He paused, considering what to write down next.

"There are many other creatures to write about, but perhaps the most interesting is the phoenix..."

So, with the paper and ink provided by Edwin, he began to write. He started with the low-level creatures he had seen so far, but his thoughts soon turned to the fearsome chaos monster he had encountered in the village.

"The existence of the chaos beings is really terrifying, there is no mention of 'chaos beings' anywhere we have learned so much about mythologies of other countries but we have not seen chaos beings, this is frustrating, are monsters and chaos beings different? Are they intertwined? Do they have the same ambitions? Are they enemies? Where did they even come from? , thinking about it makes my head hurts" he was drowning in thoughts of confusion As he was thinking deeply in the context of chaoses and monsters.

Then he continued writing; ".....and chaoses have the ability absorb ones souls , once an individual's soul has been fully absorb the body starts to decay and turn to ash..."

As Oliver continued to write, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Oliver?" It was Edwin, sounding curious.

Oliver quickly closed his notebook and stood up, trying to appear nonchalant.

"Yes, Edwin?" he said.

"What are you doing up so late?" Edwin asked.

"Just writing," Oliver replied, not wanting to reveal too much.

"All right," Edwin said, sounding satisfied.

"Well, it's late, so you should probably head back to bed, training is starting tomorrow please remember that."

"Good night," Oliver said, and he headed back to his room, book tucked under his arm.

The next morning, the three of them made their way to the top of the mountain. The horses pulled the carriages through the plain fields, the crisp morning air filling their lungs.
The silence was heavy, each of them lost in their own thoughts about the training ahead. As they reached the top, they dismounted from the carriages, taking in the breathtaking view.

"We're not going back to the village," Edwin said, breaking the silence.
"We'll be staying here, on the mountain." Oliver felt a twinge of nervousness at Edwin's words.

"What would this training entail?, so thinks are exhilarating fast" He tried to keep his face impassive, not wanting to betray his anxiety. Jasper, too, seemed unaffected by the news. But Oliver knew that inside, he was likely feeling the same way.

"We'll start your training as soon as you've had something to eat," Edwin said, gesturing towards a nearby tent.

They followed him to the tent, where a delicious-smelling meal was laid out. They all ate in silence, the anticipation of what was to come hanging heavy in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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