Sapphire and the amusement park (real life/oc universe)

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My oc sapphire found an abandoned amusement park around the corner of her home(Human world). She turned into her original form(Wolgan form) and went inside. She saw little critters trapped under some machines so she freed them, after she freed them the critters thanked sapphire for helping them. Soon the critters left to go back into the wild but one stayed near sapphire to aid her in her life journey. It was a white wolf named Snowflower, Sapphire gave Snowflower one of her necklaces so she can protect snowflower at all times. They both walked around the amusement park and found something in the rubble. Sapphire dug it up and it was some gems. Soon they left the amusement park and went back to the apartment where sapphire lived for now.

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