Sapphire and Rune and her friends (On borrowed time universe)

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My oc Sapphire has this hidden thing for making memories, so much that she tends to make a photobook of her favorite memories of different universes. She was in a new universe called (On borrowed time) staying close to rune(A shiny alolan vulpix), Rune got to know Sapphire and Sapphire's intentions of being in this universe. Rune talks to Sapphire about how she feels about being a pokemon, Sapphire understands Rune since Sapphire is hidden from the other pokemon's sight. Sapphire has made a bond with Rune and the rest of the team members. As soon as they were out of sight from the other pokemon, Sapphire uncamouflaged herself and said hi to the others. Sapphire tooked a picture with her friends and put them in her photo book for memories. She was in the middle of listening to some music to calm her thoughts when Rune came in to check on her. Sapphire just smiled back at her and said she was fine, laying back down to calm herself. She looked back on all the memories she had when growing up, some were sad but she knows she has grown and hopes to avenge her parents death and take down her parents killer.

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