My oc Sapphire was in the Ruined reality universe. Sapphire was walking around when all of a sudden a paper fell on her face. She moved the paper and looked at the writing. It was from the ghost of soren. Soon the paper flew, which sapphire knew that the paper would lead to Soren's ghost. Sapphire soon saw Soren near her grave garden so she went to say hello. Sapphire: Hello Soren, It's been awhile since I have seen you. Soren(Ghost): Nice to see you again Sapphire, How is light, cliff, Louis and Snowy? Sapphire: Well, All of them have had some sort of trauma after your death, But light has gotten therapy for his PTSD. Soren: That's good. What about you Sapphire? Sapphire: I've been doing well, made sure the others are safe, I take breaks occasionally and mostly have been sleeping well, Etc. Soren: That's also good. Sapphire and Soren talked some more before Sapphire had to go back to the outpost. They both said goodbye and they went their separate ways.

My short stories of Sapphiremagic
RandomI did these during English sooo yeah. Hope you enjoy! Some universes include Ruined reality by infiniterizler My little pony On borrowed time And some of my own Murder drones by Glitch Ruined rainbow reality by Livingwithweirdos Not discontinued jus...