Sapphire's heart ( ruined reality universe)

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My oc Sapphire had not found love yet. She couldn't feel love ever since her parents death. She spends time in the ruined reality universe with Light and his friends. She was happy there and she formed a strong bond with Light. She was hanging on a tree branch with her tail when Light called her name. She came down and asked Light what he needs, Light: I was wondering if you  know the feeling of love? Sapphire: Romantic or family love? Light: romantic. Sapphire: No I do not have feelings for romantic love, I wish I could but after my parents death I can't feel love anymore, I can still feel affection. Light: How well is your heart right now? Sapphire: 80% Light: good you don't like the pain when your heart's health is low do you? Sapphire shook her head no. Light can heal sapphire's heart when it's at least 10% and raise it to 90% which is past sapphire's normal healing if she is healing it herself. Soon they both leave the area to go see Light's friends.

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