My oc Sapphire brings Light and his friends to Sapphire's Universe. Light and his friends were in awe of the scenery, so much greenery and so much reason to see her world. Sapphire made preparations for them earlier that week so she made them rooms for the 3 of them. They were happy so Sapphire let them get settled while she took a nap outside by hanging from a tree. A few hours later, Sapphire was woken up by Light waking her up, she unfolded her wings and smiled at Light. Sapphire: What do you need light? Light: What do you do for a living here in your world? Sapphire comes back down from the tree and answers Light's question. Sapphire: I do art, walks and other unique things, plus I visit my sister sometimes. Light: Oh that's cool! I never knew you were an artist especially since you like protecting us. Sapphire: That's just one of my hobbies, I have many more that you probably wouldn't understand. Sapphire and Light went back inside so Sapphire could cook dinner.

My short stories of Sapphiremagic
AléatoireI did these during English sooo yeah. Hope you enjoy! Some universes include Ruined reality by infiniterizler My little pony On borrowed time And some of my own Murder drones by Glitch Ruined rainbow reality by Livingwithweirdos Not discontinued jus...