My oc Sapphire, light and his friends went out to scout the new area. Light, Cliff and Louis are on Sapphire's back since she wanted to save their energy in case they needed to fight the soul eater minions. Soon Sapphire stopped, feeling a dark aura nearby, the others noticed this and couldn't get sapphire to move again. Light rubbed sapphire's neck to let her know he was there with her. She soon came back to reality and the others got off her back, after that, they went to check out what made sapphire stop. The others noticed blood and told sapphire to stay just in case her trauma comes back, soon they found a dead yellow steve. They motioned sapphire to come to them, she inspected the body indicating that fallen had been here. Sapphire also saw a half eaten apple and a bobby pin next to the body, she picked those up and put them in a little baggy. She wanted to make a memorial for the yellow steve so she told the others to go back to the base and she will be right back. After she got to her graveyard, she made a stone, dug a hole, put the yellow steve in, closed it up and put some yellow flowers around the grave. She felt sad knowing that another steve had fallen to the hands of the soul eater and his minions. Soon she said goodbye to the yellow steves grave and went back to the base.

My short stories of Sapphiremagic
AcakI did these during English sooo yeah. Hope you enjoy! Some universes include Ruined reality by infiniterizler My little pony On borrowed time And some of my own Murder drones by Glitch Ruined rainbow reality by Livingwithweirdos Not discontinued jus...