Sapphire's evil side

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My oc Sapphire loves to do jokes every once in a while. But one time a shadow made a joke about her family(in a rude way) and Sapphire broke the shadow dragon's neck. Her packmates were shocked about how she broke someone's neck, purposely. Sapphire's eyes were pitch black with her pupils one being a light blue and the other a normal blue. Her dragon scales were now a little darker than normal which meant Sapphire was not in a good mood. After the shadow dragon left, Sapphire's packmates wanted to hug Sapphire but they didn't know if they should approach Sapphire while she was angry. The nature dragon approached Sapphire and hugged her to which Sapphire calmed down. Sapphire was now calm and the others hugged her. They all went back to their home.

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