ONE- bird lover

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do you guys like the lowercase or would you prefer uppercase writing? idk what i wanna do tbh


(third person)

september 18th, 1994

it was 8am exactly when your loud alarm rudely woke you up from your sleep. even though you'd slept about 7 hours, you still felt like utter shite. your back was stiff, you were sweating, your stomach grumbling. it was stupid but you just wanted to beat the crap out of your alarm. it was an inanimate object, but you still felt like it deserved to be pelted at the wall into pieces.

"fuck me.." you groan, finally sitting up and stretching your arms wide before lifting the duvet off your sticky body. even though summer was nearing to an end, it was still humid and quite warm outside. the lack of ac made the past 3 months unbearable. you'd let the windows open all the time to let cool air in at night, but nothing ever seemed to help. you tried putting ice in front of the fans in your home but it melted too fast to cool everything down.

getting one last final stretch in, you waddle over to your bathroom and get the shower running since you have work at 9. a crummy little record store you work at, it's definitely well decorated and aesthetically pleasing but boy is it boring there. you only have one coworker that you actually were able to make friends with, the rest are older men that just sit around all day in the back rooms. you kind of do everything around there, help out customers looking for the newest albums, working the register restocking vinyls, you name it.

before you get into the shower, you bring your little radio so you can (badly) sing to some tunes.  setting it on the counter and leaving the door half open so the steam doesn't damage it, you turn it on, and get in. you groan even more when you first here that distinct drumming- it's supersonic. it came out in april and the public just couldn't get enough of it. you couldn't lie, it was kind of good. maybe hating oasis was a little unreasonable because, in reality they knew exactly what kind of songs to deliver so everyone loved it.

after a few more songs, one of them was so young by suede which had you dancing and singing, you get out.

(first person)

i get out of the shower, my body a little more woken up now. shit, the steam from the shower made my flat even more humid. i seriously need to get an ac.


walking into sifters, the smell of vinyl and musty carpet fills my nose. jeez they seriously need to get a cleaner in here.

"hey fin!" i greet my coworker, who's really more of my best friend. yeah i had girlfriends and such but they were only really good for partying with. sometimes trying to hold a conversation with them is like trying to talk to a wall. they're really only fun when they're drunk. finley feels like an actual friend to me, whom i can confide in and relate to but also have fun.

"not slept?" he asks.

"ugh you can tell?" "i slept like 7 hours but i still feel like shit, fin."

"yeah you look like shit too" he smirks

"wow, thanks. i know" i snark

sometimes fin is a little too honest. he'll say anything he wants even if he knows someone doesn't want to hear it.

"sorry, love. you still look good though. good shit. you look shitty but good!" he makes himself laugh at this, no one laughs more at his jokes than himself. i wish i could have that type of ego.

"thanks, i guess? you're so weird, fin."

"you love me though, babe" he says as he gazes down at me, finley wasn't a tall man, but definitely several inches taller than me.

"that i do." i say as i start to lighten up, no longer offended by the comment he made earlier. id also be lying if i said i didn't have a bit of a crush on fin. i mean how could you not? he was a solid height, charming, handsome, and loved music. the main thing i love on boys is when they love music and know a shit ton about it too. it's hot. gosh i love cultured boys. anyway, back to fin. we had kissed before, yeah, but it was at a party and we were both wasted out of our fucking minds. i was hoping we'd forget it in the morning but when we woke up, non stop teasing ensued. he was so bold, kept asking if i "liked it" or "want more" i just ignored him because i know finleys just a player at heart. the type of guy you want to be friends with- and should be friends with, but can't date because he'd break your heart. don't get me wrong, i definitely wanted to at first. he gave me signs that he liked me and i could tell. he knows i like him a little too, but id never want anything with him knowing the possible outcomes.

"maybe you need to get out to a party or summat, get all your energy out dancing, drinkin, making out, then go home and have the best sleep of your life. that's what i do!" he grinned this stupid grin thinking that its a genius idea.

"that's genuinely a terrible idea. why would i want to wake up with a hangover?" i question

"just a small price to pay for one of the best sleeps of your life. trust me"

"the last time you've said 'trust me', we almost got arrested." i say as my brain flashes back to when we wanted to sneak into an abandoned building to explore, turns out it was trespassing and someone saw us and called the cops.

"okay that was just one time something went wrong."

"and what about the time you tried to make alcohol out of store bought grape juice, made me drink it too and we got ill as fuck? how could i forget the sounds of us puking out your window? i litetally couldve died!"

"chill babe, you didn't die though. and that totally worked. i felt drunk for days. maybe it was a little gross, but it worked!"

"you felt drunk for days because you had food poisoning you fucking knob."

"yeah yeah whatever. anyway you should still get to a party though, i heard there's gonna be a banging one tonight."

"where?" i inquiry

" 'erd it's at this random wankers mansion. to celebrate 'the new generation of music' or summat gay like that. heard some important people are gonna be there. the twats from blur, queers from suede, best of all: oasis. it'll be fucking grand."

"you really like oasis, don't yer?"

"they're the best fuckin' band on the planet love, how could you not? they're bigger and better than the beatles"

that hit a nerve in me.

"don't say that blasphemy ever again, finley." i ended him then and there, refusing to further comment on his inaccurate statement to not let out some very unkind words.

"right. anyywhoomm, we're going to that party. im not missin a chance to see that kid liam. voice of an angel i tell you."

"god you're so gay." i laugh at his undying love toward the singer.

"hey! no im not! i just learn to appreciate proper music. bird lover over here, babe." he points to himself up and down and he stomps like a little toddler, which is even more amusing.

"don't say 'bird lover' ever again in front of me either." i lose my smile and glare at him.

"right right sorry." he says quickly and turns around to see if the customer that just walked in needs assistance.

gosh he's annoying, but i love him.


im sorry for not introducing liam in this chapter, but you'll meet him in the next one promise. anyway, i imagine finley as nico mirallegro (dodge from spike island if you aren't familar) because i love him and he's so fit. like seriously top 5 men ever


𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩 ★ liam gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now