NINE- womanizer

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tuesday, oct 5th, 1994


you were never one to be particularly affected by the influence of others words. you tended to believe what you thought was true, and when people tried to tell you differently you'd hear them, but not truly listen. you'd always been confident in your mind.

the other side to this is when you doubted something, you doubted everything and yourself- hard.

so when fin came up to you during your shift with a magazine in hand, shoving it into your face while pointing, showing liam pulling a girl through a crowd and shielding her from cameras. you felt like the biggest fool.

to any normal person, they'd be able to tell he wasn't happy in the photo, especially towards the girl.

but the caption "womanizer liam gallagher caught with yet another girl! is the frontman of oasis a deity- or dickhead?" made you think the worst of the worst.

when the only man to make you feel so great in a short amount of time is pictured and painted in such a light with another girl like that, it's terrible.

you couldn't say you were heartbroken. that was far from it. you tried to keep in touch with reality. this was not your boyfriend and you haven't even known each other for a month. a month, you thought. but how come the past few weeks have felt like everything to you? like he was all you itched for, for so long.

the best way to describe your feelings was expected disappointment. there was nothing you could do now but move on with your life, and that he was just a little fling that'll always remain in your past now. something to tell your kids when you're older. something that they'll see as an amusing story, a 'wow, you met him?!' but to you it'll always be something that could've been.

in some alternate universe, you're living in a million dollar mansion with an entire ballad written about you, a room full of guitars that are never used and an indoor pool. your eating caviar on the sofa while the kids play in your personal playground.

you were a big 'what if' girl. all your life you asked yourself, "what if i did that," or "what if i didn't do that?" or you mentally curse yourself and say "i should've done that" "i shouldn't have done that."

"i told you! i told you! i know what kind of guy he is,
y/n!" fin said while aggressively pointing at the magazine in his hand, waving it in front of you. he almost seemed relieved, happy he was right.

"yeah. i guess you were right." you say before walking into the single restroom, locking the door behind you. he saw you tear up a little.

you weren't crying totally because of liam. a large part to why was because you should've never gotten your hopes up. you've had many boyfriends over the years, but as you grow older and move into your twenties, it starts to get a little depressing when you can't keep anything for more than 6 months. it sometimes made you feel like something was wrong with you.

wiping your tears, you infer you must be close to your period. you were always more emotional just before it started.

you had almost completely forgotten that you were supposed to go to oasis's concert tonight. you were to leave work early, in 30 minutes. you decided to just take it still go anyway. you could listen to them without acknowledging liam. and you weren't one to miss out on good music. oasis had really grown on you the past few weeks.


it was around 6:30 when the cab liam said he'd call you was waiting outside. you were pretty sure liam expected you to come home with him, but you obviously didn't want to. not right now at least, because to be honest you had little self control. plus you wanted to see if he'd say anything first. so you told the driver to come back round 10ish.

walking into the venue, you were glad there were already masses of people and the band wasn't on the stage yet. this made it so incase they did come out, it'd be harder to spot you even if you were at the front.

the show was set to start in just a few minutes. the excited girls around you made you reminisce to when you were a teenage girl too, going to your first ever concert. it was one of the best days of your life and the stone roses kicked off your love for music.

then the stage crew quickly packed up and left the stage after setting everything up, and lights above started to dim. a projection of 'oasis' slowly faded onto the black back curtain. everyone knew what was coming so cheers loudly echoed through your ears. the feeling just before a concert starts is the best feeling in the world, everyone's anticipation matched up, after the cheers quieted everyone turned silent. you could finally hear your thoughts, until 5 men walked up on stage.


shorter chapters as promised cos they're easy and i get em out quicker😜😜

fun fact i have 3 other books in the works right now🐺 one of them has 6 chapters so far with each 1500 words average each chapter but one is like double that 😭😭 i started it around the same day as I made this idk why I haven't put it out yet

1 of them was for noel which id published for a week then i decided nah im taking her back. the other two are liam cause he's easier to write ngl 🤫🤫

anyway you're gonna do drugs soon bye

finished may 13 7:01

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