FIVE- hello

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saturday, october 2nd, 1994.


waking up that late morning, i told myself id just rot until it was time to get ready. i didn't quite feel like getting up to do anything else that day.

but, i also realized, i get bored incredibly quick when im not sleeping.
this caused me to get up rather quickly and make myself breakfast. i like rushing- even when i don't have a need to. putting some bacon on the stove, i decide to multitask and clean up around the house.

the past few weeks i've been... lazy.. to say the least. i hadn't had anyone over in ages. i also have like no motivation to clean ever, even though i don't think im depressed? i go out almost every day, but cleaning is just hard for me to do. goodness, i don't know how i'll fair when i get married with children and have to clean up after everyone everyday. i also like cooking a whole lot, just not the mess after.

walking around my flat, making sure to check in the bacon every few minutes as i don't like it burnt, i pick up scattered items around. random socks that have somehow made it to the living room, random plates i need to wash, and tonnnsss of candy wrappers.

'i have a problem.' i say to myself. im surprised im not obese now with the amount of sugar i consume everyday.

i gather all the trash in one bag, and head back over to my stove. i notice my bacon is done to my liking so i take it off and grab two eggs for some sunny side ups. then, getting two waffles from the freezer and putting them in the toaster, i get some nutella and set it out for when the waffles pop back up.

i stand in the kitchen and do a little 360, admiring the work i did.

my food is all set and i sit down on the couch to eat. i find eating at dining tables to be quite lonely if you're by yourself.

turning on the telly, it's the morning news. possibly the most boring of them all, but at least they had a different segment for pop culture interviews and stuff like that after.

halfway through my breakfast, the boring part finally ends and there's now two ladies on screen sitting at a cute circular table.

"im sure most of us have all heard of the posh londoners before, known as blur. they came out with their third studio album 'parklife' in april, which included the hit single also titled parklife. but have you heard of these new rough around the edge, working class heroes? say HELLO to these 5 lovely mancunians of OASIS! their debut album 'definitely maybe' came out almost 2 months ago, and it's changed the world of britpop." the interviewer enthusiastically exclaimed, and the camera panned over to the 5 sitting on a couch. liam was leaned forward resting his head in his palm, looking a little bored. i noticed he looked a little annoyed when the lady called them 'britpop'.

"how are you guys? how's life been, are you basking in your new found glory?" the interviewer asked with glee, clearly she was interested in the 5 boys before her. but they seemed less than joyful to be there.

"it's been a proper good time, id say. r'kid pretends he never wanted to be famous but he loves it. look at 'em." noel laughs, as the camera moves to a obviously agitated liam. just glaring at the camera zooming in.

"well someone doesn't look too happy. how've you been, liam? how many girlfriends do you have now?" the reporter remarks, giggling at his dead stare.

he doesn't say anything for a moment, it seems like he won't. but then, he says

"many birds, everywhere. but i got one girl that stood out to me in particular, yknow what i mean? id love to see 'er again, man." he says, sitting up straight now and kicking his legs out.

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩 ★ liam gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now