THREE- you can call me anytime you're seeing double

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if you told me just 3 hours ago that id be having liam gallagher do a line off my tits in a little downstairs bathroom, id consider you a fool.

but now, id consider you a psychic.

"fuck." he growled.


"what do you want?" i asked liam after our initial exchange of words just a few minutes earlier.

"i saw yer get slapped by that cunt and i mightve sent him in an ambulance home." he looked me dead in the eye and said.

"holy shit, really?!" i was shocked, i thought he'd just went home.

"i might be an arse but i don't like seeing women get hit. reminds me of me mum. seein my dad hit 'er an all. fuckin' deadbeat. but now me and noel 'ave made it. we're everything my dad told us we couldn't be."

i was honestly in awe of liam. i really thought he didn't care about anyone but himself. the media portrays him worse than he actually is, really.

"thank you, liam."

"it's no big deal, love." he waved his hand playing off the fact he literally sent a man to the hospital for a random girl.

the pet name he used made my heart flutter. yeah, fin calls me love all the time. but it felt different to me coming from liam.

we sit in a sort of awkward silence staring at our drinks, before i speak up.

"you've charmed me, liam."

"really?" he honestly looked a little surprised considering he was confident when he said he would.

"yes liam. that was really sweet of you to do. for a random girl. me, especially."

"what do you mean especially you?"

"i guess i don't know. it's just that no one would do that for me. i came 'ere with my best friend, but i know if he saw that he wouldn't stand up for me."

he chuckles and shakes his head before saying

"well your best friend sounds like an utter twat then."

all i can do is smile at him, and for a moment it's just us. staring into each others eyes. i take the time to get a good look at him. the strobe lights illuminate all the best parts of his face. his chiseled jawline, his perfect straight nose with a little bump. his eyes are the most gorgeous though. they're downturned, he has long lashes, and his eyes show the little bit of white at the bottom making him look tired. they're almost doll-like. and the icy blue they are just contribute to everything.

we stare for a bit longer till he breaks our silence within the loud raging party.

"wanna do some lines?" he smirks as he shows me a little baggy with white powder in his jacket.

"fuck yes."

(end of flashbax)

so here we were, in the bathroom downstairs.

id done drugs a few times. i mostly smoke weed when i wanna relax, and ive done molly a few times. i tried to be responsible and not let things get too out of hand, but coke was fairly new to me. once before I've done it. felt funny going up.

liam groans while the white substance travels up his nose, he looks so pretty even if it's under a circumstance like this. i can't believe I ever hated him.

(liams pov)

i groan as the powder goes up, looking her in her eyes. shit, she's stunnin'.

"wan' some now?" i ask her

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩 ★ liam gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now