EIGHT- slide away

125 2 3

monday, oct 4th, 1994


"'liam gallagher spotted with yet another girl- who is this nameless lady? will her and liam last?'... are you fucking kidding me?!" fin shouted at me. i was trying not to get sad, as i was still on a high- physically and mentally from yesterdays outing with liam. i wasn't lying when i said i didn't mind the pictures, but if i had known they'd end up on the front cover at a magazine being sold at my place of work, maybe i would've been a little more mindful.

i tried to defend myself, "i apologize i haven't rung you or anything and i'm sorry that i left with him at that party- but I don't get why you're being so pissy about it." i tell him. i think the way he's acting is a tad bit unreasonable.

"you didn't tell me anything. that's exactly why. and what makes YOU think you can just- go around with someone like him- without talking to me about it!" he tries to argue. now it was my turn to be mad.

"what do you mean by someone like him, i thought he was your idol, huh? and are you implying i have to go and have a consultation with you before i try to pursue anybody? you're supposed to be my best friend, not my dad! besides, you haven't even talked to me much in the past few weeks!"

that was true. after the party me and fin weren't speaking as much as before. besides the few parties we had gone to, there wasn't much conversation between the two of us. we'd still have the occasional laugh at work, but it was like something in the air had changed the both of us. it suddenly felt a little awkward with us, like we were more of acquaintances then best friends.

"someone like liam. he's not a good man, y/n. i know his type." his voice was a lot calmer now, and he seemed to have cooled down.

a little part of me knew he did have a good point. but also, he didn't know him. i think he has this idea that every frontman is a complete dick. as much as i wanted to tell myself i knew liam wasn't one, i couldn't. he's been the sweetest to me so far, but the doubt i still had about our entire situation was always present, lingering in the back of my mind. he'll never be just a boy to me. but my fear is that to him, i'm just a girl. i like to think i see something special in him that no one else has. but you only live once, so why not?

"i know you don't want me to get hurt, but i promise i'll be fine. you don't have to worry about me." i said, trying to put an end to our argument. it seemed to have worked, as he said

"alright. just- don't forget me when you're going with him on tours. and don't let him hurt you." he spoke with a slight smile.

"i can take care of myself, fin. and i won't."


unfortunately, i wouldn't be seeing liam for a while. he was down somewhere doing a few gigs. by a while i meant like a week, but that was still a long time to me. although we weren't in a relationship stage yet, it definitely felt like i missed him as you'd miss a boyfriend.

•2nd person•

you were in the middle of doing the dishes when your phone started ringing.

you quickly dry your hands to go answer it. going into the living room and picking up the phone resting on the little table beside the couch, you pick it up.

"y/n?" the voice says as soon as you picked up the phone.

you knew that mancunian accent straight away.


"do you wanna come down to my show tomorrow- please- i'll call you a cab an' get you front row and everything, just come?" he seemed to be in a hurry- but you could tell he was desperate for you to come.

"liam, i'm working a little later tomorrow i don't know.." in truth you did really want to come, but you also happen to be quite literally broke.

"please, y/n. i want to see you. and if you need i can give you money for the work you missed?"

"you don't have to give me money, but i'll come. i want to see you as well."

"right. i have to go- i'll see you tomorrow then, love!"

"bye-" was all you could get out before he quickly hung up.

clicking the phone back into place, you got up again to continue to wash dishes. you didn't even notice you'd left the water running when you stopped.


wanting to relax some- to calm yourself of your excitement for tomorrow, you went to rest on the couch and watch some mediocre tv.

but a performance caught your eye. the flashing lights and purple lighted room remind you of the first time you met liam. it's just that there was a stage this time.

the familiar tune hits you immediately, and you melt into your seat a little more as you hear it. a soft smile glowing on your face even though no one can see.

"now that you're mine, we'll find a way, of chasing the sun

let me be the one that shines with you

in the morning, we don't know what to do

we're two of a kind, and we'll find a way, to do what we've done

aw, let me be the one

that shines with you

and we can slide away"

liam delivers the last line, and points directly at the camera. you liked to think it was at you. he didn't think you'd be watching, and you knowing that he had rushed to call you just before they were to go on stage made the interaction all the more sweet.


hello vro❤️

i fr don't know what im doing anymore

finished may 11 8:48 am

bye sigmas

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩 ★ liam gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now