FOUR- maude!

162 2 9

saturday, september 19th, 1994


the first thing i feel as i open my eyes is an absolute killer headache. i groan and pull the covers over my head, trying to shield my eyes from the light leaking out from my curtains. i rest for just a second more before i feel my mouth watering, like ive just squeezed lemon juice in my mouth. knowing what's coming, i rush to the bathroom and spill my guts until my stomach is sore from clenching and my throat burns with acid.

what a divine way to start the morning.
well, afternoon it tells me, as i look at my clock. my mind floods with all the memories i made last night, remembering that it all really happened and i wasn't dreaming. i can't remember much after me and liam departed, all i can recall is an angsty fin driving me home. poor kid, must've not gotten laid last night.

"you can call me anytime you're seeing double." i remember my words from last night.

"shit, did i really say that?" i mutter to myself shuddering at my slightly embarrassing words. at least it worked?  i hope? i think-

i seriously did not want to do anything today. or the next day. or the day after that. i feel like im going to feel this shit forever. i always forget how terrible my hangover will be the next morning.

fixing myself a glass of water to take back to my bed, i slump back under my covers, falling asleep.


it's around 2 when i wake back up from my little nap, hearing my phone ring. as i pick it up i recognize the squealing voice immediately.

it's maude!

before fin came round, maude was my girl. we had grown up together. we first met in primary, and that's where it all started. she was one of my first good friends that actually stuck around to this day. unfortunately, she had moved down to london a while back. she'd always been a big dreamer, and i think she knew london was the place to go if she wanted to be big. ever since then we've tried talking every week but we've both been busy. it's not ideal but our relationship hasn't been affected by it. she's the type of best friend you don't need to see or talk to everyday to remain close.

"y/n!!" she screamed. "you'll never guess what happened! gosh i have so much to tell you babes!"

"what, what happened?!" i asked. her high pitched loud voice blaring through the phone hurt my head and ears a little, but i was happy at least it came from her voice.

"so- i met this guy right. his names charles or summat, but he said he could help ME become a new it girl!! can you BELIEVE it??!!"

i knew what she was referring to when she said it girl. she had been interested in the modeling industry for quite some time now. and i think she knew she'd get her big break someday.

in all honesty, i could believe it. did i ever mention maude was beautiful? not the beauty standard beautiful, but more of an other-worldly beautiful. you know how kate moss was all the rage right now because of how unique she looked? well think of maude as a incoming kate. she had these big amber eyes, a roman nose, tanned skin, and auburn hair. she looked like some kind of firey greek goddess.

"holy shit m, really?? is he like a big time contactor or something??" i rave and ask her. though i felt like living death, i was insanely happy for her. her joy let alone almost made me feel physically better.

"apparently so. i heard he's helped some other big models in the past. im just waiting for him to contact me now. we met yesterday, purely by chance! how lucky am i. he said he saw me and was stunned by my looks, said people the would love me if i got out!"

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