A new? crush and jealousy

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-3rd Person POV-

"Oh no! Malay, what happened?" Cam exclaimed, making the others face the two incoming countries.

"He twisted his ankle badly. It needs an ice pack, but other than that, he is fine," Singa explained, putting Malay gently onto the mat as Thai, Viet, and Laos assessed the injury and got an ice pack.

It turns out that Singa's quick assessment was right.

Singa strolled to one of the foldable chairs on the opposite side of the mat that they brought and sat down with Tem on his lap.

While the others were busy tending to Malay, Phil and Brunei gave an even more worried glance at Singa before approaching him.

"Hey... Singa, are you okay? I mean, you did carry Malay here with an injury yourself?" Brunei asked.

"Yeah, from the injury, it seems you cut a vein, and by normal people standards, it would take 10 to 12 days to heal," Phil explained.

'He is probably referring to that animal power I saw when he mentions 'human people standards'... I wonder what it actually does, though?' Brunei thought.

"Hey Singa? What are those powers, animal tails and ears exactly?" He asked quietly so the others didn't hear.

Phil was shocked that Brunei knew it. He turned to Singa for confirmation about whether he actually knew about it.

"Yeah. Before we told you about the beach, Brunei accidentally saw our animal features," Singa told Phil before explaining the situation to Brunei.

From Japan's drink bottle up to the situation they were in now. Once he had finished explaining, Singa reminded Brunei about the promise to him about not telling the secret.

"Hey, I promised. When have I ever broken my promises?"

Singa thought about it and nodded, relaxing into the chair. "Fine. Judging about the previous experiences, this injury will probably heal in two to three days' time,"

As he said that, Phil placed his hand below the sleeve and took it back. His hand revealed splotches of blood.

Phil quietly swore under his breath before grabbing Singa's other arm, pulling him to stand up, making Tem leap off his lap.

He asked Brunei to grab the first aid kit and hide it away from the others before following them after they had left to the nearby toilets where Singa had changed.

"Hey guys? I forgot my clothes in the car, and Singa is going to be accompanying me," notified Phil as he got up.

Indo was about to offer to accompany him instead, but Phil rushed off, pulling Singa along before he got the chance.

They slipped into the toilets, and while waiting for Brunei to come with the first aid, Phil cleared Singa's wound and removed the stitches and bandage.

Halfway through cleaning the wound, Brunei came in and passed them the first aid before having to go back without the others being suspicious.

Quickly replacing the stitches, Phil then bandaged the wound again.

"Thanks again, Phil. I really appreciate you helping me with this and not telling the others. I owe you one if you need anything. Anything at all,"

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