1. First sight

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Chapter 1.


November 20, 2022; Carver-Hawkeye Arena
Belmont vs Iowa

Loud. That's the only word to describe the moment I'm currently in. With people shouting behind me, there's also some damn loud ass crow next to me aka my best friend, Andrew. I'm sitting down, my legs crossed and feeling confused at what's happening. Why the hell is basketball so confusing? I've had Drew explain it to me countless times yet I seem to forget. Oh well, it's not like I'm made to be a basketball player, last time I tried to play I ended up with a bloody nose and a bruised ego.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted as I see Andrew get up from his seat and start to cheer loudly, basically screaming at this point. "LET'S FUCKING GO GABBIE!" Seriously I feel as if my ear drums were exploded as I furrow my brows in confusion looking towards Andrew. "Alright so basically, Gabbie Marshall, number 24 scored a three pointer. C'mon girl you gotta keep up." He explains to me to clear up my confusion.

"You're acting as if I even want to be here, Drew. You basically forced me to come here." I tell him as I cross my arms, looking forward to see the girls dribbling the ball and passing it. "Hey, just to let you know, you'll probably thank me later. I know you're looking for some action so maybe scope out the court and see if you find any cute girl and I'll hook you up. I'm basically best friends with all of 'em" Drew tells me as he's now sitting next to me, putting on his Iowa hat backwards to throw shade at the Belmont fans behind us. I just roll my eyes at whatever he just said. He's making me seem like I just want to get in people's pants, I don't! God, men are so clueless sometimes or maybe all the time.

As the game is nearing to the end, a certain blonde catches my eye. Holy fuck. I feel as if my breath catches in my throat, my heart seeming to beat faster. It feels as if my heart is going to fly out of my chest, at this point I think I'm some tomato. I snap out of my thoughts as Drew snaps his fingers right in front of my face, so I turn to look at him and my God I wanna slap the shit out of him. He's staring at me with his infamous smirk, he knows I was staring at her. I hate it when a man is right. "Seems like I was right huh? Just a simple thanks ladies and gentlemen." Drew says as he jokingly brushes imaginary dirt off of his shoulder as I give him a slight shove. "I don't know what you're talking about." I tell him, my voice low as I continue to watch the game. My eyes still remaining on the blonde girl, watching her dribble the ball against the floor. "Oh sure sure, as if you aren't eye-fucking miss number 20 out there. By the way, if you want I could introduce you to her y'know. Her name is Kate Martin." Kate. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Shit, she's not even human-like. She's a whole fucking Goddess.

V - Soooooo, first chapter, I was pulling shit out my ass because I didn't know what to write. Hopefully yall enjoyed🫠

In the end, it's only us - Kate Martin Where stories live. Discover now