2. New beginnings

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Chapter 2.


November 20, 2022.

"Oh my gosh, Andrew I swear if you take me down there I will put pickles on your burger when you're not looking." Just then Andrew gives a gasp and gives me the 'bitch no you wouldn't' type look. Oh yes the hell I would. "What's the worse that could happen, Liv? You'll meet the future love of your life plus you have me and I know all the girls so c'mon. Don't be a baby." He could so damn convincing sometimes, I hate it.

I'm getting dragged onto the court as Andrew is holding onto my elbow, leading me to where the group of girls are at. Once we get there I just stand there awkwardly watching him greet the girls and congratulate them on their win. He notices my awkward stance and chuckles as she grabs my elbow, placing me right next to him as he introduces me to a group of 3 girls. "Olivia, these wonderful women are miss Caitlin Clark, miss Gabbie Marshall and miss Molly Davis. Girls, this is Olivia Parker." He sure loves to socialize I'll give him that, but in the end so do I.

I hit it off with them quite quickly, which is what I love. I love socializing and meeting new people, me and the girls instantly clicked. After a few moments I've met almost everybody except the chick that caught my eye. Wanting to find Andrew, I turn around and see him smiling at me brightly while next to him is the girl I was practically thirsting over at the end of the game. Well crap, seems like my social skills disappeared from my mind.  The girl gives me a soft smile as she puts out her hand and introduces herself as 'Kate Martin', I quickly take her hand and introduce myself as well.

This is so hard. It's been a couple minutes that Andrew left me alone with Kate because he claimed he "had to take an important phone call." Bullshit. The man always leaves his phone on dnd. I'm basically giving it my all to not fold at her voice or at her face at all. We're having some laughs here and there, but my goodness I am internally struggling. Might as well just obliterate myself once I leave the arena, I am so killing Andrew. Out of the corner of my eye I see him and I thank God for listening to my gay panic, hoping that Andrew hurries his ass up. "It was nice meeting you, Olivia. Maybe I could get your number or Instagram so we could speak more? Only if you want." Jesus am I dreaming? Quickly I accept her request, which I internally regret because I don't want it to seem I'm desperate.
But it's whatever, I'm getting a hot girl's number plus her Instagram? Score for me. She hands me her phone so I put in my number and save myself under "Hot Chick", I was feeling a bit bold nothing wrong with that. Quickly I type in my Instagram and follow it as I hand her back her phone, shooting her a goodbye as me and Andrew walk out the arena, a smile plastered on my face. As I'm walking back I follow her back on Instagram and I may or may not have stalked her Insta.

"See, I told you that you wouldn't regret coming here. But nooooo, you just love going against what I say." Are men always this sassy or is it just because he's gay? "Oh yea, definitely leaving out the part where you nearly busted my eardrum countless times and also not to mention, you dropped my damn popcorn!" Okay, get me in acting classes, because I could've sworn my voice was on point to seem like I was heartbroken. Which I was. He just seemed to have chuckled, oh wow. You see this is why men are my worst enemy sometimes, that popcorn didn't even get the chance to be eaten halfway. Pause. Anywho, I give him a light slap on the shoulder. "Jesus, woman! I'm driving the car here just to let you know, maybe we coulda driven into some tree or other car who knows!?" Not to mention, he's also dramatic. "Oh calm down you big baby, you're like made of pure muscle I'm sure you could handle a light tap." Just then I see Andrew flex his right arm, chuckling softly at his actions. He could be so damn cocky sometimes. We finally arrive home and I plop onto my bed, feeling the warmth and comfort of it engulf me. I head to the bathroom and change into some pajamas, brush my teeth and put my hair into a braid so I won't have to deal with unnecessary stress in the morning. "OLIVIIIAAAAA!" I slightly jump at Andrew's loud voice. With quick feet I go over to him and he's pointing at something, the damn remote. All I do is sigh and grab it, walking over to him to give it. He shoots me a quick thanks and goodnight as I just say goodnight, walking back to my bed. Before bed I say a quick prayer, on my knees with my eyes closed as I pray. These are habits I learned from having religious parents, especially since my dad is a pastor. Getting up from my knees I get under my blanket and hug my panda, resting my head against the soft pillow still thinking about the wonderful girl I had met today. The more I think about her, the more butterflies I get which is so weird because I've never clicked with anybody this fast.

As I'm sleeping I feel a soft kiss press against the temple of my forehead, knowing it's Andrew. That's a daily habit of his, we may fight like little children but we're just two best friends trying to survive college together. We adore each other, even if we fight a lot, he's the one that truly understands me and I understand him as well. Not to mention being glad he is straight passing because anytime we're at parties, he saves me from creepy drunk men. After all he is like a brother to me and the best wingman.

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A/N - Chapter 2 is done‼️‼️I may add more in the future cuz I have the habit of checking my old stuff, hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll start putting povs or not I'm not sure. Anywho, Andrew and Olivia are definitely my fav characters I've made in my mind so far yet and don't worry I don't intend on them being messy and doing horrible shit to each other. anywho hopefully you enjoyed, feel free to give back any feedback at all, toodles🤗

In the end, it's only us - Kate Martin Where stories live. Discover now