24. Painful Truth

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August 29th, 2023; Iowa City, Iowa

Chapter 24

Narrative + Flashback

Kate's Pov;

Liv is being distant. Like way more than usual, ever since maybe 2 or so months ago and I've tried to talk to her about it, but it seems like she doesn't even want to open up. I mean, what the hell is going on with her?

I know she's not cheating, she's just cooped up in her room, I've noticed some changes. She just, recently stopped going to church. That's what caught my attention, she hasn't been to church in about 3 weeks and it's starting to worry me.

Her religion is a huge part in her life, and the fact that she's pushing that away is making me think something is happening to her but she won't open up at all.

My thoughts are cut short as I come to a halt in my car, parking right outside her dorm building. I turn off my car and head to her dorm, taking my phone out to message her I'm here.

3rd POV;

Knocks on the door startled Liv a bit, but she quickly walked over and opened it. Finding Kate on the other side with a bright smile on her face, bringing a smile on Liv's face as well.

"Hey, beautiful," Kate said, smiling down at Liv which just widened Liv's smile, bringing her lips to meet Kate's lips in a soft manner.

"Hi, Kate," Liv responded, her voice quiet and shy. A soft blush on her cheeks, as Kate grabs her hand and leads her out. They walk hand in hand, through the hallway as Liv talks to Kate about her day.

Kate opened the door for Liv, muttering a small thank you as she settles into the seat as Kate gets into her seat. She hands Liv the aux knowing she likes listening to her music.

After a short drive and many stories from Liv complaining to Kate on how her relationship with her family has been getting a bit hectic. Kate just comforted Liv by placing a hand on her thigh like she always does, making small circles with her thumb as she pulls up to a beautiful park.

"I know it's been a bit hectic so I decided we could just, take a walk here in the park, you know?" Kate said as she parked the car, removing her hand from Liv's thigh and getting out the car.

They strolled around the park, enjoying each other's presence while occasionally giggling like two fools in love. Or it was either Kate complimenting Liv.

Eventually they sat down at a nearby bench, continuing their conversation before falling into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company, that is until Kate finally breaks the silence.

"Liv... could I ask you a question?" Kate turned to look at Liv with a concerned expression.

Seeing this made Liv worry, that is because she rarely sees Kate worry about something when she's talking to her. "Yea, yea of course, what is it?"

"Look, I don't want to come off in a bad way but uhm, I feel like you've been a bit off." Kate said, choosing her words carefully as she nervously placed her hand on the nape of her neck.

"You seem more distant, like you're holding back from me. We don't really talk as much, Liv."

Liv's face fell, and she looked away, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know, Kate. I've been really stressed with classes and stuff."

Kate's eyes narrowed slightly, "Liv, I know you're busy, but that's not an excuse for shutting me out. We used to confide in each other to tell anything, now it just feels like you're hiding from me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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