Rookie day

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⚠️TW: mentions of SH, suicide, violence, abuse, ED and more, don't read if you get triggered⚠️

L: Lucy Chen
T: Tim Bradford
H: Nyla Harper
A: Angela Lopez
J: Jackson West
N: John Nolan
G: Wade Grey
Z: Zoe Andersen

background: Harper is there since the beginning instead of bishop, Jackson and Lucy lives together, Bradford and Isabel is still married but not together, all the rookies and single, Lopez and Wesley are together but they don't have kids, Harper and James are together but don't have Leah.

Lucy's pov:
Today is my first day as a rookie, I'm so excited but scared, what if I mess up? I have to get ready now, rollcall start in an hour and a half. I've done my morning routine and prepared for the day, and I have my medicine Incase I get an episode during shift. Jackson is making coffee for me, he knows that I'm nervous
J: knock knock, here comes your coffee! Are you excited? You should be excited! I'm excited!
Jackson spoke fast and in a nervous but happy tone, I couldn't help but notice how cute he was when he got excited. Jackson is like the little brother I never had.
L: I'm ready to go, are you?
J: yeah, let's head to work
Work. The station. I'm really working at a police station now, it has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I'm so happy.

Tim's pov:
Today I'm getting a new boot,I really hope this one isn't as annoying and stupid as the last ones I've had, I need something good now since I've lost Isabel to drugs. I live alone, it's quite nice but it can get lonely, not that I like having much company but still. I have to head to the station now, otherwise I'm gonna be late.

3rd person:
G: good morning everyone, today we have some new blood, some pushing the expiration date. Rookies, stand up. The three rookies stood up. First up we have our hotshot, Lucy Chen, who made her first arrest before clocking in this morning. Then we have our Legacy, Jackson west, who broke all his father's records at the academy. Lastly we have our forty year old rookie, John Nolan, who was born before Disco died.
Everyone laughed, but then quickly quieted down when Grey started taking.
G: it's time to play the TO/Rookie match game. Bradford! You get out hotshot!
Lucy turned around and saw a muscely and strict man with his arms crossed, Lucy got more nervous.
G: Lopez! You get our Legacy, and that leaves Harper with our 40 year old rookie. Dismissed! Be safe out there!

Lucy's pov:
Bradford looked scary, he'll probably scream at me a lot, he looks so strict and angry but it'll probably be alright, or?

Tim's pov:
At least I got the hotshot, but she'll have to prove herself to me before she gets any respect. I yelled at her to load the warbags, but she flinched which was weird.

Lucy's pov:
He yelled at me and I flinched, he's a cop, he's not going to hit me like Marc used to, at least I hope. I loaded the shop and we started patrolling and the Tim Tests went great, til this one. Tim slammed on the breaks.
I flinched and then looked around, not seeing any street signs.
I flinched again, still not having an answer to Tim's test.
T: Great, now I'm dead. Get out of the shop boot!
L: what?
T: get out of the shop and walk, til you know where you are
I got out, still a little shaken as he reminded me of Marc.

Tim's pov:
Chen flinched every time I raised my voice, my hand or screamed at her, maybe she has something she has to tell me?
L: we're at *street name*
T: good, get in. By next week I want you to know all streets in this part of LA
L: yes sir.
T: by the way, is there something I should know, like why you're flinching all the time and have those pills in your pocket?
I felt Chen getting nervous and uncomfortable, she then replied with a weaker voice than usual, but not that weak.
L: No sir, the pills are just a precaution if I get an allergy attack.
T: okay.
I knew she was hiding something, but I didn't think she wanted to talk about it so I let it go.

Lucy's pov:
I think Bradford sensed something about me, I mean how could he know that I had pills with me and why did he acknowledge that I flinched? No one had ever seen that before. Before I knew it my shift was over, it was actually pretty good and I think I'll learn a lot from my TO. I then went to meet with Jackson and John to celebrate our first day as cops even if we're still only probationary employed.
L: hey guys, I said quite happy
J: hey! How's Bradford?
L: he's a little intense and hard, but it was pretty good today, how was Lopez and Harper?
N: Harper was good, she's a really good cop
J: Lopez too,I actually like her
L: well I guess I'm the most unhappy of us
J: yeah but you're great, I'm sure he sees that
L: I hope so.
We're going to a bar, I order a double tequila and they drink beer. We had a fun night, then we went home because we need to be energetic and alert every day on the job.

3rd person:
It was morning and everyone came to rollcall.
G: our rookies have survived the first day, congrats. Everyone stay safe, dismissed!
T: get the way bags, boot!
L: yes sir

Lucy's pov:
I loaded the shop and sat in the passenger seat, Bradford and I started our patrol. We got a few calls, then a call about a burglary in process. We went to the scene, the man tried to find an escape from the shop but he couldn't, so Tim and I started to fight him and then eventually got him in cuffs but by that time I had already fallen in to a counter and a glassbottle fell to the floor, right besides me. I started to panic, feeling flashbacks from Marc and I felt my heart racing, I had an episode.
L: no no no no, where's my pills?? I whispered
T: Chen you good?
L: uhm yeah I-I uhh just need my medication.. where is it?
I was panicking, I couldn't find my pills and the glass triggered me really much.
T: it's here...
Bradford found my medication and gave it to me and I quickly swallow a pill and tried to breath without taking the glass and cut myself. My medication kicked in and I calmed down while Bradford put the robber in our shop and then came back.
T: what the hell just happens boot?
L: I uhh I don't know I just needed my medication...
T: okay, get in the shop.
I felt my hand shaking and my eyes watering, I knew I was in trouble. I then heard Grey radioing to me and Bradford
G: Chen and Bradford, meet me in my office after processing the suspect.
L&T: yes sir.
We were finally done processing and the paperwork was done, we went to Grey.
G: would someone care to tell me what happened today at the store?
T: sir u can I talk to you first? Alone?
G: okay, Chen wait outside.
I was afraid, I didn't know what he was going to say about me

Tim's pov:
I really believe that something's wrong with Chen, that was not a medication for an allergy, it was something else, something serious.
T: sir, she got pushed in to a counter and was fine until a bottle fell down and broke, there was glass everywhere and she started to panic, I saw how she resisted to take the glass, the fear in her eyes was terrible and she started to look for her medication, I have no idea what it was.
G: she has a disorder and can handle it at most times, but with what she's been through recently I think the glass triggered her, take it a little easy on her tomorrow, she'll probably be shaken up.
T: what disorder? Why wasn't I informed? And what has she been through that triggered this?
G: son I can't tell you, she will tell you in confidence, if she does.
T: okay but I can't train her properly if I don't know the problem
G: let's call Lucy in.

Lucy's pov:
They're taking about me, I can't hear them but it seems bad, they call me in to the room.
L: sir.
G: Tim is informed briefly, could you explain a little further to secure your training
L: uhm okay, I.. I have uhh.. BPD and I had it under control, but a few months ago I was in a relationship and he was very.. violent.. with me one time and he beat me up once, he smashed glass all over me which is where the panic is...
T: okay uhmm... Okay, thank you for explaining
I felt tears in my eyes, it was still so hard to talk about but I understand that it's necessary. Grey dismissed us and I went home with Jackson, but went straight to bed after this crazy day. I laid in bed, just thinking about the glass all around my body and the itching feeling to take the glass and press it against my pure skin, the rush of adrenaline, the moment when you don't think, just do. I eventually fall asleep as tears are rolling down my cheeks and the pillow getting a bigger stain by the minute. The next morning Jackson made my coffee as usual, he woke me up with a smile.
J: morning girl, here's your coff- have you been crying? Your eyes are all puffy..
L: uhm yeah, my "secrets" got out yesterday and I paniced a bit.
J: you didn't relapse, right? Please tell me you didn't Lucy
L: No I had the feeling because I had glass all around me, but I got my medication in time
J: thank God, that's great
Jackson hugged me and gave me my coffee, we then went to work and started patrolling with our TOs.

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