the Captain

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Lucy's pov:
It was time for lunch, I still couldn't really eat much do I just ordered a salad and slowly ate it when I see the captain coming to my table.
Z: okay if I sit here?
L: yeah, of course
Z: how would you think about riding with me for the rest of the shift, I'd like to see your talent
L: uhh yeah, great
I was getting nervous, my heart rate spiked but I took the hairband on my wrist and released it a few times, then I calmed down and took a small bite from my food.
Z: you good?
L: yeah, just not that hungry
Z: you have literally eaten like two mouthfuls, you should eat some more.
L: yes ma'am
Z: I'll see you in ten.

Tim's pov:
What did the Captain talk to Chen about? She's coming here now.
Z: you'll be riding solo the rest of this shift, Chen will ride with me.
T: why is there a problem?
Z: no I just want to see her on the street
T: okay
Why would the Captain ride with a rookie? Somethings not right. Just then Harper and Lopez came and asked why the Captain was in uniform
T: she's riding with Chen
A: what?
H: why?
T: I don't know, I guess we'll find out

Lucy's pov:
I went to the shop, the Captain was driving as usual. We arrived at a scene, it was two men fighting and we started separating them when I've of them threw a punch at me but I reacted and quickly took my hand up and captured his arm in a tight grip, I then put the cuffs on.
Z: wow your reflexes, how'd you get those?
L: I uhh.. I-I trained a lot in my teenage years for this exact reason.
Oh my god I just lied to the Captain, I'm so going to get fired.

Zoe's pov:
I could see right through her lie, I recognize her behavior a lot from my mother, my father would sometimes hit her but he died when I was ten. Chen and I put the men in our shop but I stopped her from getting in.
Z: Chen! A word!
L: yes ma'am. Everything good?
Z: tell me the real reason
L: I already told you
Z: I see right through you, now tell me.
I could see Chen getting nervous and get breathing sped up.
Z: Chen?
L: uhmm... I was in a relationship when I was in the academy, he was very nice in the beginning but then got more and more aggressive towards me and he uhm...
Z: he what?
L: h-he abused be for about three months, Grey and Bradford knows.
Z: I-I'm sorry.
I gave her a hug, I could feel how afraid she was but at the same time she was collected, I then let go of her and looked her in the eyes, she was very glossy and a tear rolled down her cheek. Chen quickly dried her cheek and went to the shop.

Lucy's pov:
My shift ended, it went well with Andersen, she was a good TO.
J: hey! I heard you rode with the Captain today?
L: yeah I did
N: why? How'd it go?
L:  she just wanted to see me on the streets, it actually went great.
I went home and got to my bed, I laid down and then fell asleep.
I woke up to my alarm and did my morning routine, then went to work and listened to Grey in rollcall, then I started patrolling with Bradford.
T: the Captain told me
L: told you what?
T: about the abuse
L: ohh...
T: why didn't you say anything?
L: I-I couldn't it's just so-
I felt tears burning in my eyes and the itching feeling to hurt myself.
L: it doesn't define who I am
T: I know, I know, breath I'm not judging you
L: I can't- I need to go, I need to-
I couldn't be in the shop, I rushed out and felt an episode so I took the hairband and released it but it didn't help. Tears ran down my face and I sat against a wall, not breathing at all. Tim rushed out and ran to me, he took my hands and tried to calm me down but nothing worked until he remembered the medication. He quickly took my medication and made me swallow a pill. After a few minutes I calmed down, I could see that Bradford was worried.
T: are you okay? I mean you're not but how- what-
L: I'm good I just had an episode, please don't bring that up anymore, that time was cruel and I really don't like to talk about it
T: okay, can I get you something?
L: water maybe?
T: yeah coming right up
I drank some water and we finished our shift like nothing had happened, it was my first really episode in 6 months.

Tim's pov:
I don't know much about BPD, I should do some research so I'm prepared for everything while I train Chen. I went to talk to Angela and Nyla
T: hey Ange and Nyla
H&A: hey
A: you good? You look like you've seen a ghost
T: it was Chen, she said she had an episode?
H: does she have BPD?
T: yeah, why?
H: When she has an episode, just give Chen her medicine and try to make her breath normal
T: okay, thanks.
I went home and started to research BPD

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