Damn Parents

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Z: great job, get him to the station
L: yes ma'am, thank you
Jackson and I drove back to the station and got the shooter processed and then did the paperwork.
Z: get Luce! Wait up!
L: hey, you good?
Z: yeah but we should celebrate your first day a P2!
L: my parents are actually coming over to dinner to celebrate, but if be happy if you joined us
Z: yeah that could work, what time?
L: 7pm, I'll see you
Z: yeah
I smiled, then drove home to shower sand make dinner.

Tim's pov:
Today was Lucy's first day as a P2, she really impressed me and all the rookies were really great today. A few months ago I would've never thought they would be able to be real cops but they've process me wrong
T: hey Ange and bulls, what do you say about a drink now that our rookies have finished their training?
A: I'm down
H: me too, I'm just gonna go change and shower
T: yeah, see you in twenty
A: yeah
We went to the bar and started drinking

Lucy's pov:
The clock turned 7 and there was a knock on the door, I went and opened
Z: hey! Are they here yet?
L: nope, but they'll be here soon
Zoe went to the toilet to fix her makeup, Then it knocked again.
L: hey mom, dad
LM: hello
LD: why is there four plates? Have you finally found a decent guy?
L: nope, it's my friend and boss, Captain Andersen
Just then Zoe came out of the bathroom and greeted Lucy's parents
LM: another cop?
Z: yeah I'm a cop, infact I run the whole station
LM: good for you
They started eating when Lucy's mom suddenly said something shocking
LM: I talked to your college, they said you could study there so you can be av intern att st:Stephen next year, you can finally do something meaningful with your life and be a doctor
L: what? I'm not gonna quit?! I love my job
LM: you don't even do anything?
L: I help people every day
LM: of you want to help people, be a doctor!
L: is that how you see me?
LD: it's how a lot of people see you
L: I love my job, this is my profession so if you're done except expressing your disappointment I'd like some space
LM: I just want to be proud of you, I don't want to hide you and get embarrassed when people ask what you do for a living
Z: You heard her, please leave
LD: fine, but don't expect us to see you again, you're a disgrace to this family
Z: leave, now!
I had test in my eyes and ran to my bedroom and sat on the floor, my parents left and Zoe came to me
Z: how are you?
L: I-I don't know I should've seen it coming I guess
I was crying and Zoe sat down next to be with her arm around me
Z: don't care about them, I'm enough proud of you for both of them
L: thanks
I was still crying and I had laid my head on Zoe's shoulder.
Z: have they always been like this?
L: yeah as long as I remember
Z: what did they say?
L: they didn't say much really, just that they weren't proud of me and that I was a disappointment
Z: I'm sorry
Zoe hugged me and after a while we let go
L: you can go home you know
Z: hmm I'm not sure I want to leave you alone right now
She smirked
L: I promise, I'm fine
Z: you never told me
L: about what?
Z: that you hurt yourself
L: I...
Z: is okay, I understand, it's very private and I don't know if you remember but the night you slept at mine for the first time, I saw your arms and I was so proud that you hadn't done it in a long time. I mean, I really don't know what it feels like but some part of me couldn't let it go til now, the way your parents behave really have changed you. I'm so damn proud of you
L: thanks.
I smiled and gestured for Zoe to come to my bed, it was late and we needed to sleep. We woke up at 6:30am and had a great morning, we then went to work together. It was time for rollcall and everyone came in to the room.
G: morning people, night shift left us a few cases but other than that it's calm, today Nolan and West are riding together and Chen will ride solo, that's it, dismissed!
Z: solo today, huh?
L: yeah I'm so excited
Z: great, see you after shift?
L: yeah

Tim's pov:
Lucy's riding solo for the first time, I hope it goes well. I was so tired last night but when I woke up I saw my neighbors house with a smashed window and two cars that I've never seen before. It's my day off so I'm not going to check it out, if they get a call to the house I'll check.

Lucy's pov:
The day started slow, I got a few small calf but nothing big til I got a call to Tim's neighborhood, there was blood on the doorstep. I called it in and then quietly walked in, with nimble steps I started searching the house.

Tim's pov:
A shop is pulling up, it's Lucy. She calls it in and then started searching the house. I got my gun just in case something happens. She's very quit, I'm impressed.

Lucy's pov:
The first floor was cleared, when I walked up the stairs I saw more blood and a trail to the bedroom. I pushed the door open to find a body with an ID, Janet Smith, 43 year old female with GSWs to the chest, back and head.
L: 7-adam-19 I've got a body, deceased, need backup, shooter is still in the house.
I started searching the floor when I suddenly heard something from a room.

Tim's pov:
Chen found my neighbor dead, who the hell would shoot Janet? She's the nicest person walking this earth. She's calling for backup, maybe I should go in? I'll wait a few minutes

Lucy's pov:
Out of no where a man started shooting at me, I started shooting back.
L: Shots fired at *address*! Where the hell is my backup?!?

Tim's pov:
There's gunshots, I need to go in.

Lucy's pov:
He has a giant magazine, there must be a lot more bullets in his than mine. My gun is empty, and there isn't any good hiding places. He saw my and BANG, I got shot in my stomach
L: 7-a-Adam-19 officer d-down, requesting RA...

Tim's pov:
Omg she's shot, I'm almost there. I ran up the stairs and shot the suspect before he could shoot me, and I put handcuffs on him. I then ran to Lucy, she was unconscious but breathing, she was bleeding a lot. I picked her up and ran down the stairs where the backup and ambulance just arrived.
B: what happened?!
T: she has a GSW to her abdomen, she's lost a lot of blood but she's breathing
B: okay, put her on the gurney and we'll rush her up the hospital
T: good
Z: wait! Let me on!
Zoe hurried there when she heard Lucy was shot

Zoe's pov:
Lucy was shot, I can't lose her she's everything to me, my thoughts were cut off by Bailey
her heart stopped, I held her hand while tears were streaming down my face.
B: her pulse is back, we need to get her to surgery now!
They loaded her off the ambulance and she was rushed of to surgery.
I sat in the waiting area when the rest of the game came (Grey, Lopez, Harper, Bradford, Nolan, West)
G: how is she?
Z: she's in surgery, she was in V-Tach on the way here but they got her back and they rushed her in.
G: okay, well she's still alive.
Z: yeah

*In the OR*
Dr: she's losing to much blood put her on bypass because her pulse is too irregular. Clamp!
The doctor clamped her abdominal aorta and stitched it together and took the bullet out, he then started to close her up. The surgery took three hours but went great

Zoe's pov:
The doctor came after three hours.
Dr: the surgery went well, do you know if she's in any medications?
N: I don't think so
Z: she's on anti-deppresants, mood stabilizer and anti-anxiety
Dr: great, thanks. She's in room 156 if you want to see her, but 2 at a time
Z: thanks
T: she's on medications other than the one for her BPD?
Z: The other two are sorry if for her BPD but also got her mental health, but she's doing great
T: good
Z: anyways I'm going to her now
I walked to Lucy's room, she was asleep. I sat down next to her and started taking to her

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